The raw data for 5 people was recorded using Peratech sensors, and the presses were collected whilst users were playing Guitar Hero 3. The notebooks show the procedure to train three models: CNN, LSTM and CNN-LSTM. The inner workings of these networks and the training procedure can be found inside the folder peratouch.
Install suitable version of PyTorch using pip.
Then in the repository directory install the remaining requirements and local project peratouch:
pip install -r requirements.txt -e peratouch
Run script
to convert raw data into a npz file:
python3 scripts/
Open first notebook 01_data_processing.ipynb
and run all cells to extract trigger sections from data.
Run notebook 02_networks.ipynb
to train all networks.
The results of training the networks are stored under results/ To produce the figures, run the script
python3 scripts/
and figures will be stored under figures/