Software Engineer with a strong interest in algorithms, data structures, coding competitions, backend, web, mobile, cloud computing, and all aspects of software. I enjoy pushing myself outside of my comfort zone, seeking challenging experiences, and using my skills to solve problems.
GuruIA - A mobile app used by over 50k students to study for exams. It is available on the Apple Store and Google Play. The app uses AI to generate answers based on students' questions from text, audio, or images. (The repository is private because it is a company project).
LoveTag LoveTag is a platform where users can create personalized QR codes to share with their loved ones. The QR code links to a photo and a tracker showing how long they've been together.
AjudaAqui - An startup that I start building that connects people who need help with your home exercises with professionals that can help them. (The repository is private because it is a company project).
Algorithms and Data Structures - A collection of algorithms and data structures problems implemented in C/C++.
Whatsapp Clone - A clone of the WhatsApp Web using ReactJS and Firebase. code
Image Editor - A simple image editor. code
... this resume is still under construction.
- AWS Cloud Architecting - AWS Certified Architect.
- AWS Cloud Foundations - AWS Certified Foundations.