This folder consists of the model changes and input files required for calculating recovery processes through NWP model: WRF-V4.2.1.
Following files contain the model changes:
- module_wind_fitch.F:
- module_bl_mynn.F
- module_pbl_driver.F
- module_first_rk_step_part1.F
- Registry.EM_COMMON
Following files are used for model input:
- namelist.input
- windturbines-ij.txt
- wind-turbine-1.tbl
Please note that to calculate speed at 84M (turbine hub-height), use the variables U At 84M and V AT 84M. The wind-turbine-1.tbl file is over written in the code. The input files (windturbines-ij.txt and wind-turbines-1.tbl) are sample files for WF case: inter-turbine spacing 0.5 km.