This README documents details about application and steps that are necessary to get your application up and running.
Application Name: Email Sender App
Description: Email Sender App is Spring boot restful application which allows you to send email by providing details like To, Subject, Messages in json format
Version: V1.0
Download application import in eclipse.
Modify following file under src/main/resource/ folder
spring.mail.username=username spring.mail.password=password
Run application as Spring Boot or Java Application. Application will be running at http://localhost:8080
To test application visit http://localhost:8080/mail which will provide response as below
{ "code": 200, "type": "success", "message": "success" }
Note: Need to have rest client tool like Postman, etc.
Send a POST request over http://localhost:8080/mail/send with following header and body
Header Content-Type: application/json
Body { "to":"[email protected]", "subject":"TEST MAIL", "message":"Sending a test Mail" }
You will recieve a response if all values are:
VALID { "code": 201, "type": "success", "message": "Mail has been sent" }
INVALID { "code": 400, "type": "error", "message": "Please provide all valid values" }