This project gives you tools to play AI Dungeon like an RPG loosely based on Dungeons&Dragons.
The script will utilize only the first command in the input to avoid bugs.
Syntax: !addCharacter(name, stat = value, stat2=value, stat3 = value, ..., statN=value, $item1, $item2..., $itemN)
Creates a character with given stats. There can be additional whitespace around "=" sign, but nowhere else.
You can specify hp and level the same way.
Allowed characters for the characters' names are: all latin characters, numbers,
whitespace characters and ' (apostrophe).
Item names must be preceded with $
in addCharacter and addNPC commands.
If another character already has or had a stat not mentioned here, it is set to starting value.
Syntax: !addNPC(name, stat = value, stat2=value, stat3 = value, ..., statN=value, $item1, $item2..., $itemN)
Creates an NPC with given stats.
Works the same way !addCharacter does, but:
- NPCs die when they are killed (AKA they are deleted)
- NPCs don't level
- NPCs attack automatically in battles, targeting a random enemy
Syntax: !setStats(character, stat = value, stat2=value, stat3 = value, ..., statN=value)
Sets an already created character's stats.
Please avoid changing things like HP and level here.
There can be additional whitespace around "=" sign, but nowhere else.
Outputs stat changes.
Works during battle.
Syntax: !showStats(character)
Shows stats of a specified character. Works only on created characters.
Works during battle
Syntax: !levelStats(character, stat + value, stat2+value, stat3 +value, ..., statN+value)
Uses acquired skillpoints to increase stats.
Works only when not levelling to oblivion.
Works during battle.
Syntax: !skillcheck(stat, name, thresholds)
a) number - outcome - success or failure
b) number : number - outcome - success, nothing happens, failure
c) number : number : number - outcome - critical success, success, failure, critical failure
d) number : number : number : number - outcome - critical success, success, nothing happens, failure, critical failure
e) number = outcome1 : number = outcome2 : number = outcome3 : ... : number = outcomeN - custom outcomes. If score is lower than the lowest threshold, nothing happens.
Stat must be an already created one. Stats are automatically created when they are set on any character. If you create a character with a new stat, others don't have it automatically set. When stat is not set, it is assumed its value is 0.
If you use skillcheck on a dead character, they are tested as if all of their stats were
5 levels lower (adjustable by !setstate
Can be also turned off in the code.
Syntax: !addItem(name, slot, stat = value, stat2=value, stat3 = value, ..., statN=value, effect 1 name, effect 2 name, ..., effect N name[, target, character])
Creates an item with given modifiers.
Effects (optional) - effects the item should apply.
Target (optional) - can be either inventory
or equip
. When unspecified item will be simply created, inventory
will put it into party's inventory, and equip
will instantly equip it on specified character.
Character (must be given when target is set to equip
) - specifies which character will equip the item.
If a character has something in the slot, the item will be unequipped to inventory.
Works during battle.
Syntax: !alterItem(name, slot, stat = value, stat2=value, stat3 = value, ..., statN=value, effect 1 name, effect 2 name, ..., effect N name)
Alters slot, modifiers, and applied effects of previously created item.
Works during battle.
Syntax: !gainItem(name[, character])
Puts a previously created item in inventory, or a character equips it when character
is specified.
If a character has something in the slot, the item will be unequipped to inventory.
Works during battle.
Syntax: !createEffect(name, duration, stat = value, stat2=value, stat3 = value, ..., statN= value[, u(nique)][, a(ttack)/d(efense)/b(attle start)/n(ot applied)][, self/enemy][, (on )e(nd)/(every )t(urn)/c(ontinuous)])
Order of options is important. If not followed, you will get Create Effect: Arguments were not given in proper format.
Creates an effect that can be later added to an item or applied manually.
This is currently the only type that counts character's hp as modifier. To change it, use hp = -x
or hp = x
, just like with any normal stat.
Duration (whole number) - duration of the effect in turns. Duration left will only decrease during battle. Ending the battle ends all effects.
Stats need to be created beforehand, by setting them on at least one character or using !setstate({"stats":["every","stat","you","need"]})
You can use bolded letters as shortcuts for the options below.
Unique (optional) - unique effects can only have one instance per character. Applying the effect again will do nothing.
Application trigger (not applied by default):
- attack - effect will be applied when character attacks.
- defense - effect will be applied when character is attacked.
- battle start - effect will be applied when battle starts. If target is enemy, it will be applied to a random enemy.
- not applied - effect will not be automatically applied. Use
to apply it manually.
Effect target (self by default) - whether the effect should be applied to item's wielder or target of their attack. If trigger is battle start, it will be a random enemy.
Impact time (continuous by default):
- On end - effect will be applied once, when its duration ends. Best for permanent buffs/debuffs or some curses.
- Every turn - effect will be applied at the end of every character's turn. Best for damage and heal over time.
- Continuous - effect has no permanent effects, instead its modifiers are added when checking character's stats. Best for temporary buffs and debuffs.
Works during battle.
!createEffect(bleeding, 5, hp = -5, a, enemy, t)
- once hit, the enemy will lose 5 hp per turn for 5 turns. Bleeding can stack.!createEffect(battle rage, 8, strength = 3, dexterity = 2, defense = -1, u, b, self, c)
- for the first 8 turns of battle, wearing character gains 3 strength, 2 dexterity, but loses some defense. Cannot stack or be extended by applying again.!createEffect(poison, 6, hp = -35, dexterity = -2, u, d, enemy, e)
- when hit, applies poison to the enemy. If it is not cured or battle does not end in 6 turns, enemy suffers big damage and permanent dexterity loss.
If you need to check which effects influence your character, use !showStats
Effects that have impact time set to every turn will activate at the end of the character's turn, after the attack.
Syntax: !alterEffect(name, duration, stat = value, stat2=value, stat3 = value, ..., statN= value[, u(nique)][, a(ttack)/d(efense)/b(attle start)/n(ot applied)][, self/enemy][, (on )e(nd)/(every )t(urn)/c(ontinuous)])
Overwrites parts of the effect.
Works during battle.
Syntax: !applyEffect(effect name, character name[, overridden duration])
Applies effect to the character.
Overridden duration (optional, whole number) - if specified, sets duration of newly applied effect to this value.
Works during battle.
Syntax: !removeEffect(effect name, character name)
Removes effect from the character without triggering it.
Works during battle.
Syntax: !equip(character, items)
Character equips items from inventory.
If a character has something in the slot, the item will be unequipped to inventory.
Works during battle.
Syntax: !unequip(character, slots)
Puts items from slots into inventory.
Works during battle.
Syntax: !showInventory()
Shows inventory's contents.
Works during battle.
Syntax: !attack(attacking character, attacking stat, defending character, defending stat)
While characters will be created with default stats, used stats need to be created BEFORE calling this command.
You can view and edit damage calculation at the top of input modifier. Additional info is provided there.
Default calculation: attacker's stat + score of rolling a 20-sided dice - defender's stat.
Instead of outputting something, it changes the input the way skillcheck does.
Syntax: !sattack(attacking character, attacking stat, defending character, defending stat, dodging stat)
Main difference between this command and !attack
is that before dealing damage script checks if the defending character dodged the damage.
Default dodge: both characters roll a 5-sided dice and att their stats (attacking and dodging). Defending character dodged if their score is greater than the attacker's.
While characters will be created with default stats, used stats need to be created BEFORE calling this command.
You can view and edit damage calculation at the top of input modifier. Additional info is provided there.
Default calculation: attacking stat + score of rolling a 20-sided dice - defending stat.
Instead of outputting something, it changes the input the way skillcheck does.
Syntax: !battle((character1, character2, ...), (character8, character9, ...))
Starts a battle between characters in the first and second bracket pair.
Battle automatically sets which side and character attacks at the moment, and makes the NPCs attack their enemies.
During battle you can only:
- retreat by writing escape, retreat or exit anywhere in the input
- attack a character from the other side of the battle with
or(attacking stat, character, defending stat)
; if you are dodging by default, attacked character will try to dodge with defending stat used as dodging stat
Syntax: !heal(character, <d>value)
Character must be created and not dead (its hp must be more than 0).
Healing value can be preceded by "d" to roll an n-sided dice.
Outputs healing value and resulting hp.
!heal(Zuibroldun Jodem, 100)
- will heal Zuibroldun Jodem by 100 hp (unless they do not exist or are dead)
!heal(Zuibroldun Jodem, d100)
- will heal Zuibroldun Jodem by 1 to 100 hp
!heal(Zuibroldun Jodem, 50:100)
- wil heal Zuibroldun by 50 to 100 hp
Works during battle.
Syntax: !revive(reviving character, revived character, value)
Transfers value of hp from reviving to revived character.
It works both as reviving and transfusion tool.
Outputs both characters' resulting hp.
Reviving character must exist and have at least value+1 hp to perform this action.
Revived character must exist.
Works during battle.
Syntax: !getState()
Outputs current state.
You can use this alongside with setState as saves, but currently there is no way to do it differently than by manually copying it to a file on non-volatile storage, like your hard drive, and then setting it back. This also allows for making your custom state to use in all adventures.
Works during battle.
Syntax: !setState(state as json)
Sets state to the json if it has proper format.
Outputs only error messages.
WARNING: do not change the values you get from !getState
unless you know what you're doing!
Guide to creating custom states is below.
Note: all commands are case-insensitive.
Thanks to refactor the newest version will throw errors and cut commands from what the AI sees even when something goes wrong.
Works during battle.
You can change how much xp is needed to level up in shared library script.
You can change whether you want to level your stats
or characters and distribute skillpoints with !levelStats
(default) in input modifier script.
You can only do it before creating the first character.
The amount of skillpoints granted for level up can be adjusted by !setstate
- when using
without custom outcomes, I recommend using it likeAntonio tries to do something. !skillcheck(...)
- the same applies to other commands that don't generate output, like
- after deletion of custom output, produced by some commands, fe.
, write something of your own to "clear cache" of the script - before starting the adventure use AID state creator and set everything with
instead of using other commands, so the AI won't try to mimic them and you will save time
Section moved to Developers note
You can vote on what do you want me to do next here
- Create a scenario.
- Get into Scripts menu. (You need to use browser for this.)
- Copy files contents to corresponding fragments: sharedLibrary.js to Shared Library, inputModifier.js to Input Modifier and so on.
- Adjust the in-script settings. They are: damageOutputs, ignoreZeroDiv, shouldPunish, defaultDodge, levellingToOblivion, defendingCharacterLevels in Input Modifier and damage, dodge, and experienceCalculation functions in Shared Library.
- Play the created scenario. You should now be able to use the commands.