This package can be used to :
- validate an ISBN code
- convert codes between ISBN-10, ISBN-13 and EAN (without hyphens) formats
- calculate the checksum digit
- show the registration agency (country or language)
Install with composer:
$ composer require biblys/isbn:~2.0
use Biblys\Isbn\Isbn as Isbn;
// Create an ISBN object from an EAN code
$isbn = new Isbn('9791091146098');
// Check if input is a valid ISBN code
if ($isbn->isValid()) {
// Print the code in ISBN-13 format
echo $isbn->format('ISBN-13');
// Print the code in ISBN-10 format
echo $isbn->format('ISBN-10');
// Print the checksum digit
echo $isbn->getChecksum();
// Print the registration agency
echo $isbn->getAgency();
} else {
// Show validation errors
echo $isbn->getErrors();
Run tests with PHPUnit:
$ composer install
$ composer test
New ISBN ranges may be added from time to time by the International ISBN Agency. Whenever it happens, this library must be updated. If a range update is necessary, please open an issue on Github. You can also open a pull request after updating the ranges your self with the following commands:
$ composer install
$ composer run update-ranges
2.0.3 (2016-07-06)
- Added 978-99978 range for Mongolia
2.0.2 (2016-04-12)
- Fixed #3: Bug in the 978-613 range
- Added a composer script to update ISBN ranges from
2.0.1 (2016-03-01)
- Fixed #2: added LICENSE file and copyright information
- Added Travis configuration file
2.0.0 (2016-03-01)
- Revamped library as a Composer package
1.1.0 (2015-08-21)
- Fixed #1: ISBN-10 checksum character calculation
- Added phpunit tests
- Updated ISBN XML ranges file
1.0.1 (2014-04-21)
- EAN-13 checksum character calculation bug fix
1.0.0 (2014-04-19)
- First release