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code, python scripts and config files for producing "plain" Tallinn Ntuples

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Code, python scripts and config files for producing "plain" Tallinn Ntuples


To checkout the code

source /cvmfs/
cmsrel CMSSW_12_3_1 && cd $_
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src

git clone [email protected]:HEP-KBFI/TallinnNtupleProducer.git

scram b -j 8

To run the code:

source /cvmfs/
cd CMSSW_12_3_1
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/TallinnNtupleProducer/Framework/test

Additional documentation

Generate documentation from input NanoAOD:

$CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE/src/PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/test/ -d nano.html nano.root

Example output here

JSON POG interface

Prelegacy corrections:

2016 link (CP5) link link link link
2017 link link link link link
2018 link link link link link
Sourced from link link link link link

All but Tau SF and JMAR corrections are custom. If you want to generate the API documents yourself, run the following:

correction --html out.html /path/to/pog.json.gz

Configuration file

The following lists primary PSets in the configuration file of produceNtuple jobs. The cms module is ignored when listing the type of parameter.

Parameter in fwliteInput Type Possible values Description
fileNames vstring Full paths to input NanoAOD files
skipEvents int32 >= 0 Number of events to skip in the job
maxEvents int32 -1; > 0 How many events to process (-1 = all events)
outputEvery uint32 > 0 How often to log run:lumi:event nrs and memory
Parameter in fwliteOutput Type Descriptio n
fileName string Output file name
Parameter in produceNtuple Type Possible values Modify depending on the...? Description
treeName string Events Never Input TTree name
process string Dataset Unique human-readable identifier for the dataset (MC sample, data PD)
era string 201[678] Era The data-taking era
numNominalLeptons uint32 >= 0 Channel # fakeable leptons in the output; determines data/MC SF and charge flip rates
numNominalHadTaus uint32 >= 0 Channel # fakeable had taus in the output; determines data/MC SF and charge flip rates
applyNumNominalLeptonsCut bool Channel If True, cut on numNominalLeptons
applyNumNominalHadTausCut bool Channel If True, cut on numNominalHadTaus
lep_mva_cut_mu double > 0. Analysis Cut on prompt muon MVA WP
lep_mva_cut_e double > 0. Analysis Cut on prompt electron MVA WP
lep_mva_wp string hh_multilepton, default Analysis Label for the choices of prompt lepton MVA WPs that tells which data/MC SF, flip rate or FR to load
hadTauWP_againstJets_tight string [VV]Loose, Medium [VV]Tight Channel DeepTau ID WP for selecting tight had taus and rejecting jets
hadTauWP_againstJets_fakeable string [V]VVLoose Never? DeepTau ID WP for selecting fakeable had taus and rejecting jets
hadTauWP_againstElectrons string [VVV]Loose, Medium [VV]Tight Never DeepTau ID WP for selecting fakeable had taus and rejecting electrons
hadTauWP_againstMuons string [V]Loose, Medium Tight Never DeepTau ID WP for selecting fakeable had taus and rejecting muons
leptonFakeRateWeight.inputFileName string Analysis, era Path to lepton FR file (depends on prompt lepton MVA WP and on apply_chargeMisIdRate)
leptonFakeRateWeight.histogramName_e string Analysis Name of the histogram where electron FR are stored
leptonFakeRateWeight.histogramName_mu string Analysis Name of the histogram where muon FR are stored
leptonFakeRateWeight.applyNonClosureCorrection bool Analysis If True, apply non-closure corrections on the FR
hadTauFakeRateWeight.inputFileName string Analysis, era Path to tau FR file
hadTauFakeRateWeight.(sub)lead.absEtaBins vdouble Never Binning for tau FR, applicable to (sub)leading tau
hadTauFakeRateWeight.(sub)lead.graphName string Channel Tau FR, applied to (sub)leading tau
hadTauFakeRateWeight.(sub)lead.fitFunctionName string Channel Data/MC SF of the tau FR, applied to (sub)leading tau
hadTauFakeRateWeight.(sub)lead.applyGraph bool Channel If True, apply tau FR on (sub)leading tau
hadTauFakeRateWeight.(sub)lead.applyFitFunction bool Channel If True, apply data/MC SF of the tau FR on (sub)leading tau
triggers PSet triggers_201[678] Era HLT information
triggers.type_*.use_it bool Channel Set to True in order to apply the trigger cut
isMC bool Dataset Set to True for MC
lumiScale VPSet Dataset Lumiscale factors for MC (cross section x int luminosity in data / MC event statistics)
lumiScale{.central_or_shift} string central, CMS_ttHl_* Dataset Label for the systematic shift (QCD scale, PS or PDF)
lumiScale{.lumi} double Dataset Lumiscale factor (nominal lumiscale x shifted / nominal MC event statistics)
ref_genWeight double Dataset Most frequently occurring generator-level weight in absolute value
apply_genWeight bool Dataset Set to True for MC in order to enable generator-level weights
apply_DYMCReweighting bool Dataset Set to True for LO DY MC in order to improve its pT spectrum [DEPRECATE]
apply_DYMCNormScaleFactors bool Dataset, analysis Set to True for LO DY MC in order to improve its normalization in the presence of b-jets [DEPRECATE]
apply_LHEVpt_rwgt bool Dataset Set to True for LO W+jets MC in order to improve its pT spectrum [DEPRECATE]
apply_topPtReweighting string HighPt, Quadratic, Linear, TOP16011 Dataset Set to HighPt for NLO ttbar MC in order to improve its pT spectrum
apply_l1PreFireWeight bool Era, dataset Set to True for 2017, 2018 MC in order to enable L1 prefiring weights [DEPRECATE]
apply_pileupJetID string disabled, loose, medium, tight Analysis Set to loose, medium or tight in order to apply PU jet ID at specified WP
fatJet_corrections vstring JMS, JMR, PUPPI Dataset, analysis Specify in order to enable et mass smearing (JMS), resolution (JMR) and softdrop mass (PUPPI) corrections
apply_chargeMisIdRate bool Channel Set to True in order to calculate electron charge mis-identification probabilities (only for 2lss+<=1tau)
split_jes bool User preference If True, split JES into 11 components in MC
split_jer bool User preference If True, split JER into 6 components in MC
isCP5 bool Era, dataset Set to True for 2016 CP5 MC in order to apply the correct b-tagging SF [DEPRECATE]
reapply_JEC bool Never Set to True in order to redo JEC in MC
apply_smearing bool User preference Set to True in order to smear jets in MC
enable_phiModulationCorr bool Never Set to True in order to correct MET phi modulation in Run 2 [DEPRECATE]
evtWeight PSet Dataset Settings for propagating stitching weights (for eg DY and W+jets MC)
evtWeight.apply bool Dataset Set to True in order to apply the stitching weights
evtWeight.histogramFile string Dataset Path to the file where stitching weights are stored
evtWeight.histogramName string Dataset Histogram name from the file where stitching weights are stored
evtWeight.branchNameXaxis string LHE_Njets, LHE_HT Dataset LHE-level variable name that parametrizes the x-coordinate of the histogram
evtWeight.branchNameYaxis string LHE_Njets, LHE_HT Dataset LHE-level variable name that parametrizes the y-coordinate of the histogram
evtWeight.branchTypeXaxis string Int_t, Float_t Dataset Type of the LHE-level variable that parametrizes the x-coordinate
evtWeight.branchTypeYaxis string Int_t, Float_t Dataset Type of the LHE-level variable that parametrizes the y-coordinate
branchName_electrons string Electron Never Name of the electron collection in NanoAOD
branchName_muons string Muon Never Name of the muon collection in NanoAOD
branchName_hadTaus string Tau Never Name of the tau collection in NanoAOD
branchName_corrT1METJet string CorrT1METJet Never Name of the low-pT AK4 jets in NanoAOD (needed for calculating type-1 MET)
branchName_jets_ak4 string Jet Never Name of the AK4 jet collection in NanoAOD
branchName_jets_ak8 string FatJet Never Name of the AK8 jet collection in NanoAOD
branchName_subjets_ak8 string SubJet Never Name of the AK8 subjet collection in NanoAOD
branchName_met string MET Never Name of the reconstructed MET in NanoAOD
branchName_rawMet string RawMET Never Name of the reconstructed MET without (L2+?) JEC in NanoAOD
branchName_vertex string PV Never Name of the primary vertex information in NanoAOD
branchName_genJets string GenJet Never Name of the generator-level AK4 jets in NanoAOD
branchName_genJetAK8 string GenJetAK8 Never Name of the generator-level AK8 jets in NanoAOD
branchName_genSubJetAK8 string SubGenJetAK8 Never Name of the generator-level AK8 subjets in NanoAOD
branchName_genPart string GenPart Never Name of the generator-level Pythia particles in NanoAOD
branchName_genHadTaus string GenVisTau Never Name of the generator-level hadronic taus in NanoAOD
branchName_PSweights string PSWeight Never Name of the parton shower weights in NanoAOD
branchName_LHE_nom string LHEWeight_originalXWGTUP Never Name of the nominal LHE weight in NanoAOD
has_PS_weights bool Dataset Set to True if the MC dataset has PS weights
apply_LHE_nom bool Dataset Set to True if the nominal LHE weight should be applied on top of the PS weights
branchName_scale_weights string LHEScaleWeight Never Name of the weights for different choices of QCD scale
branchName_pdf_weights string LHEPdfWeight Never Name of the PDF weights
has_LHE_weights bool Dataset Set to True if the MC dataset has weights for different choices of QCD scale
has_pdf_weights bool User preference, dataset Set to True if the MC dataset has PDF weights
pdfSettings PSet User preference, dataset Extra information regarding the PDF weights
pdfSettings.lhaid uint32 User preference, dataset LHA ID of the PDF set for which the weights are stored
pdfSettings.norm vdouble User preference, dataset Ratio of sum of PDF weights for a given member to the sum of nominal PDF weights
pdfSettings.saveAllMembers bool User preference, dataset If set to True, save the event weights for each PDF member (multiplied by pdfSettings.norm
branchName_LHE_particle string Never Name of the LHE-level (ie ME-level) particle collection in NanoAOD
jetCleaningByIndex bool Never If set to True, clean jets by their constituent leptons
genMatchRecoJets bool Never? If set to True, dR-match generator-level AK4 jets to reconstructed AK4 jets (expensive to run)
writerPlugins VPSet User preference, channel Various plugins that dictate the list of branches in the output file
selEventsFileName string Debugging Path to a text file containing a list of run:lumi:event numbers (one per line) for debugging single events
selection string User preference Custom selection string to filter out events based on the output branch names
isDEBUG bool Debugging If set to True, prints out very verbose information about every processed event (use with care)


code, python scripts and config files for producing "plain" Tallinn Ntuples






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