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04 User needs and pain points

jonnalley edited this page Feb 15, 2024 · 11 revisions

Who are OPS users?

Users who will interact with OPS

  • Division Directors
  • Team Leaders
  • Project Officers: both CORS and non-CORS/contractors
  • Project team members
  • Budget team members
  • Procurement team members
  • System administrators
  • System owner

User needs

A starting list of user needs for OPS

  • Manage user accounts and logins
  • View a individualized user dashboard
  • View budgets, projects and agreements across OPRE
  • View budgets, projects and agreements at a portfolio-level
  • View projects and agreements individually
  • Manage CANs and funding
  • Create new projects and agreements
  • Edit projects and agreements
  • Obtain and document necessary budget approvals
  • Complete the procurement process
  • Manage invoices
  • Manage Vendor data
  • Run reports
  • Manage workforce planning
  • Receive notifications and history of changes
  • Communicate research updates to the OPRE website

User pain points

A few MAPS pain points OPS is intended to resolve

  • The legacy system isn't intuitive
  • The UI is confusing and cluttered
  • View access is limited
  • Edit access is limited
    • Staff need to email the budget team to update information on their behalf
  • The procurement process/milestones aren't aligned with their process
    • It's difficult to track progress and collaboration with external parties
  • The dashboards and tables don't provide what they need
  • Users need to create workarounds via spreadsheets to get the data they need
    • There is no real-time view of the data
  • Managing permissions is difficult
  • It’s hard to know if the information in the system is up to date and when things were changed/why