BOLT 1.1 GA Release
Bolt 1.1 is released on 11th of November, 2013. Bolt was made Open Source on GitHub with Apache License with 1.0 Beta.
For Bolt related documentation go to the Bolt wiki page. To download the Bolt Binaries go to Bolt Landing Page
This release contains the following features:
1.Linux support for GCC 4.6 and above.
2.Performance optimizations for below routines for OpenCL path.
- transform_scan(inclusive/exclusive)
- reduce, transform_reduce, min, max, count, count if
- reduce_by_key
- sort and stablesort with ints and unsigned ints as data types.
- sort_by_key and stablesort_by_key with ints and unsigned ints as keys.
3.Added Below list of new function for OpenCL, TBB and Serial path:
- bool binary_search
- scatter
- scatter_if
- gather
- gather_if
- merge
4.Added MultiCore code path for all routines including new ones. Now we have OpenCL, MultiCore and Serial path for all routines.
5.Bug Fixes.
6.Debug Log facility to determine the executed code path.