This is a Template for a Microservice, written in Scala in cooperation with the Play-Framework. It will provision a REST-JSON and Linked-Data API. As Linked-Data, RDF/XML, Turtle and Notation-3 will be provided.
In Order to write your own microservice, all you have to do is to fork this repository and fill in all the necessary parts into the following files:
- build.sbt - Name of your service
- Dockerfile - Maintainer, NewRelic Application Name, Name of the startup script
- - Docker image tag
Last thing you have to do is to add your application ideas code into the app directory. That's it!
Install the Typesafe Acticator.
For developement mode, execute the following commands:
# May take some time...
activator update
activator run
To package the application for production mode, execute the following command. You will be told where the resulting dist zip is placed. Inside this zip, theres a run script. Start it and your ready to go.
activator dist
Please note that this application was designed to be deployed with docker and instrumented (Metrics, ...) by NewRelic. Inside the projects root, you'll find a scipt named This script will build a docker image, containing the app. Execute the following to start the docker image:
docker run -it --rm -p 9000:9000 <YOUR_Image_Tag>:latest