You need to add your discord app token and set up the connection to your own firebase in .env#1
var _token = '';
You need to place your json credentials in the db_auth folder of the project.
- word-in-kanji[i.e.: 漢字] word-in-kana[i.e.: かんじ] translation[i.e.: chinese character]: inserts a new word in the database, accepts both half-width and full-width space between characters.
- (alt. version) word-in-kana[i.e.: サマー] translation[i.e.: summer]
- .remove word-in-kanji: removes a word from the database
- .reset: cleans the whole database of words
First lines in shiritori-compliance.js define the rules accepted in your game.
So far you can choose to:
- when words end in the long vowel sign, allow also words starting with the previous syllable by setting the longVowelFallbackToPreviousKanaIsValid flag to true; alternatively disallow this behaviour by setting it to false, in this case only words starting by vowels will be allowed.
- when words end in N, allow the game to continue with a custom rule falling back on the な行 by setting the allowNKana flag to true. This might be useful if you plan to use your game for learning purposes.
- when words end in a 拗音 (contracted sound), allow the next word whether it starts with the entire contracted sound or with や,ゆ or よ by setting the smallKanaFallbackToPreviousKanaIsValid flag to true; alternatively set it to false to only accept や,ゆ or よ as the next word starting syllable.
Future developments:
Match words on dictionary.