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This extension needs your love and commits. If you are using it, please consider sending your fixes so it will stay up-to-date. I will happily merge your requests, tag me for faster processing. :) Thank you.


Provides an access to in-app purchases (iOS) and in-app billing (Android) for OpenFL projects using a common API.


You can easily install IAP using haxelib:

haxelib install extension-iap

To add it to a Lime or OpenFL project, add this to your project file:

<haxelib name="extension-iap" />


1. Initialize iap:

// required only for Google Play
var publicKey:String = "";

#if android
#elseif ios
publicKey = "";

function onPurchaseInitSuccess(e:IAPEvent) {
    // OK

function onPurchaseInitFailed(e:IAPEvent) {
    // reason: e.message

IAP.addEventListener(IAPEvent.PURCHASE_INIT, onPurchaseInitSuccess);
IAP.addEventListener(IAPEvent.PURCHASE_INIT_FAILED, onPurchaseInitFailed);

IAP.manualTransactionMode = true;

2. Receive shop items data:

function onProductsDataComplete(e:IAPEvent) {
    // e.productsData is array of ProductDetails
    for (data in e.productsData) {
        // data.productId, data.price, data.localizedPrice, ...

function onProductsDataFailed(e:IAPEvent) {
    // reason: e.message

IAP.addEventListener(IAPEvent.PURCHASE_PRODUCT_DATA_COMPLETE, onProductsDataComplete);
IAP.addEventListener(IAPEvent.PURCHASE_PRODUCT_DATA_FAILED, onProductsDataFailed);

var productIds:Array<String> = ["item_id_1", "item_id_2", ...];

3. Perform purchase:

function onPurchaseSuccess(e:IAPEvent):Void {
    // purchase was completed
    // productID: e.productID
    // e.purchase - pass it for consuming
    // or you can get it from inventory after purchasing: IAP.inventory.getPurchase(productID)

function onPurchaseFail(e:IAPEvent):Void {
    // purchase was failed, reason: e.message

function onPurchaseCancel(e:IAPEvent):Void {
    // purchase was cancelled by user

IAP.addEventListener(IAPEvent.PURCHASE_SUCCESS, onPurchaseSuccess);
IAP.addEventListener(IAPEvent.PURCHASE_FAILURE, onPurchaseFail);
IAP.addEventListener(IAPEvent.PURCHASE_CANCEL, onPurchaseCancel);


4. Consume purchase:

function onConsumeSuccess(e:IAPEvent):Void {
    // purchase was consumed and not in IAP.inventory anymore

function onConsumeFail(e:IAPEvent):Void {
    // reason: e.message

IAP.addEventListener(IAPEvent.PURCHASE_CONSUME_SUCCESS, onConsumeSuccess);
IAP.addEventListener(IAPEvent.PURCHASE_CONSUME_FAILURE, onConsumeFail);


Development Builds

Clone the IAP repository:

git clone

Tell haxelib where your development copy of IAP is installed:

haxelib dev extension-iap extension-iap

You can build the binaries using "lime rebuild"

lime rebuild extension-iap ios

To return to release builds:

haxelib dev extension-iap