This Repository contains a couple of Simple DevOps Tasks.
1- Terrafrom CLI installed []
2- AWS CLI installed and configured []
This task consists of 3 main files under Terraform-EKS
directory, here is a description for each file:
: AWS EKS requires certain configurations related to VPC including [Subs, RTs, IGW, Nat GW, ...] to launch required resources [Worker Nodes, Pods, ...].
2- terraform.tfvars
: Contains values for some variables defined in
: Here we use EKS terraform module in order to create K8s cluster also we use the network resources created from
Run the following commands to initialize the modules, detect resources to be created and create the resources
terrafrom init terraform plan terraform apply
1- Make sure Python, AWS CLI installed and configured in correct way.
2- Aws-iam-authenticator installed []
3- kubectl utility installed []
4- Ansible installed []
This task consists of 2 main files under Ansible-K8s
directory, here is a description for each file:
1- nginx-app.yaml
: Contains K8s deployment and service resources to deploy nginx inside the cluster.
2- deploy-to-k8s.yaml
: Contains Ansible configurations using K8s ansible collection to deploy nginx using nginx-app.yaml
conf file.
Connect to AWS EKS Cluster
aws eks update-kubeconfig --name app-eks-cluster
Install Ansible K8s collection used in ansible configuration file
ansible-galaxy collection install community.kubernetes
Running Ansible playbook against AWS EKS Cluster
ansible-playbook deploy-to-k8s.yaml
Task#3: Creating Azure Pipeline utilizing (SonarCloud & JFrog) to deploy a sample application on EKS:
This task consists of Several files in the root dir of the repo and I am going to explain the need for each one:
1- app-config.yaml
: Contains K8s deployment and service resources to deploy simple flask app into the cluster.
2- Dockerfile
: Contains all necessary instructions to build docker image for flask app.
3- requirements.txt
: Contains all Deps required to perfrom simple linting and testing jobs on flask app.
: Contains some Deps that is necessary to install some tools to help deploying the app into the created AWS EKS cluster.
: Simple flask web application code with 2 routes.
6- tests/
: Directory contains simple test scenario for flask app.
7- azure-pipelines.yml
: Main configuration file for Azure Pipeline.
Azure Pipeline consists of 4 Stages:
1- Testing
: Linting and Running simple test scenario in order to make sure tha app code is fine.
2- CodeAnalysis
: Code Quality checking applied using Sonar Cloud.
3- Building
: Docker image is created using Dockerfile and Image has been pushed into JFrog Artifactory repo.
4- Deploying
: Making sure that image exists on JFrog Artifactory and deploying the flask app into AWS EKS Cluster.