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DevOps Tasks

This Repository contains a couple of Simple DevOps Tasks.

Task #1: Configuring secure K8s cluster on AWS EKS using Terraform:


1- Terrafrom CLI installed []

2- AWS CLI installed and configured []

Description for files configured:

This task consists of 3 main files under Terraform-EKS directory, here is a description for each file:

1- : AWS EKS requires certain configurations related to VPC including [Subs, RTs, IGW, Nat GW, ...] to launch required resources [Worker Nodes, Pods, ...].

2- terraform.tfvars : Contains values for some variables defined in file.

3- : Here we use EKS terraform module in order to create K8s cluster also we use the network resources created from file.

Implementation steps

  • Run the following commands to initialize the modules, detect resources to be created and create the resources

    terrafrom init
    terraform plan
    terraform apply

Task #2: Deploying Sample Application on EKS cluster using Ansible:


1- Make sure Python, AWS CLI installed and configured in correct way.

2- Aws-iam-authenticator installed []

3- kubectl utility installed []

4- Ansible installed []

Description for files configured:

This task consists of 2 main files under Ansible-K8s directory, here is a description for each file:

1- nginx-app.yaml : Contains K8s deployment and service resources to deploy nginx inside the cluster.

2- deploy-to-k8s.yaml : Contains Ansible configurations using K8s ansible collection to deploy nginx using nginx-app.yaml conf file.

Implementation steps

  • Connect to AWS EKS Cluster

    aws eks update-kubeconfig --name app-eks-cluster
  • Install Ansible K8s collection used in ansible configuration file

    ansible-galaxy collection install community.kubernetes
  • Running Ansible playbook against AWS EKS Cluster

    ansible-playbook deploy-to-k8s.yaml

Task#3: Creating Azure Pipeline utilizing (SonarCloud & JFrog) to deploy a sample application on EKS:

Description for files configured:

This task consists of Several files in the root dir of the repo and I am going to explain the need for each one:

1- app-config.yaml : Contains K8s deployment and service resources to deploy simple flask app into the cluster.

2- Dockerfile : Contains all necessary instructions to build docker image for flask app.

3- requirements.txt : Contains all Deps required to perfrom simple linting and testing jobs on flask app.

4- : Contains some Deps that is necessary to install some tools to help deploying the app into the created AWS EKS cluster.

5- : Simple flask web application code with 2 routes.

6- tests/ : Directory contains simple test scenario for flask app.

7- azure-pipelines.yml : Main configuration file for Azure Pipeline.

Pipeline High Overview:

Azure Pipeline consists of 4 Stages:

1- Testing : Linting and Running simple test scenario in order to make sure tha app code is fine.

2- CodeAnalysis : Code Quality checking applied using Sonar Cloud.

3- Building : Docker image is created using Dockerfile and Image has been pushed into JFrog Artifactory repo.

4- Deploying : Making sure that image exists on JFrog Artifactory and deploying the flask app into AWS EKS Cluster.


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