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Documentation Guidelines

Lee Campbell edited this page May 5, 2017 · 2 revisions

Documentation guidelines

The HdrHistogram.NET documentation is built in Markdown. We use a few simple conventions to ensure a homogeneous style throughout the full set of documents.

As per any change to the repository, if you have issues with these guidelines then raise an issue or a Pull Request. If you find documentation that fails to meet the guidelines, then a fix via a pull request is appreciated.



The documentation will follow US-English spelling. Desktop tools like have spell checking features.

Paragraph structure

Each sentence should be written on a single line, and only one sentence per line. This makes merging changes easier and also helps identify verbose language.

Paragraphs in Markdown are just one or more lines of consecutive text followed by one or more blank lines.


Heading should be used to structure a document. Avoid using other emphasis features like ALLCAPS, Italics or bold to identify a new topic. Using a header is not only more consistent, but also allows linking to the header.


At the end of a page, it is helpful to link to the next logical page in the documentation. If the page is the last in a sub-section then linking back to the index page is useful.


Code formatting

Blocks of example code should be formatted with the triple back tick format followed by the language

``` csharp
using (var writer = new StreamWriter("HistogramResults.hgrm"))

Which will render as

using (var writer = new StreamWriter("HistogramResults.hgrm"))

Inline code should be marked with a single backtick (`).

This includes references to:

  • type names e.g. Task<T>
  • variable names e.g. task
  • namespaces e.g. System.Threading.Tasks

If showing text that is an output (e.g. text file content or console output) you can either use the triple back tick without specifying a language or you can indent the content. For example:

	   Value     Percentile TotalCount 1/(1-Percentile)

	   0.285 0.000000000000          1           1.00
	   0.535 0.500000000000      17644           2.00
	   0.594 0.750000000000      26260           4.00
	   0.627 0.800000000000      28005           5.00
	   0.660 0.850000000000      29793           6.67
	   0.680 0.875000000000      30649           8.00
	   0.693 0.900000000000      31550          10.00
	   0.703 0.925000000000      32415          13.33
	   0.717 0.950000000000      33277          20.00
	   0.748 0.975000000000      34141          40.00
	   0.869 0.990625000000      34676         106.67
	   2.801 0.999023437500      34970        1024.00
	2543.615 0.999972534180      35004       36408.89
	2543.615 1.000000000000      35004
#[Mean    =        0.633, StdDeviation   =       13.588]
#[Max     =     2541.568, Total count    =        35004]
#[Buckets =           21, SubBuckets     =         2048]

File names and paths

When referencing a filename, directory/folder or URI then use standard italics to format. This can be done by surrounding the string with either with a single asterisk (*) or a single underscore (_)


  • HdrHistogram.dll
  • C:\Binaries
  • .\GoogleChartsExample\plotFiles.html


Markdown supports tabular data. Tables could be used to structure data so that is is easily consumable for the reader.

Suffix Unit
ms millisecond(s)
s second(s)
m minute(s)


When referencing another concept, the concept should be linked to. Forward and backward references with in a page can be linked to via the header. e.g. link back to Structure Links to other documents can either link to the page, or a sub-section/header within the page. External links should be exposed as a the full link e.g.


The HdrHistogram documentation is managed as Markdown files in a Git repository hosted on Github in the gh-pages branch. See the GitHub Pages documentation on how to use the gh-pages branch convention for "Project site" documents.