As much as rocks, there is always room for improvement. At, we wanted to distribute a weekly sales report with one page per account. In, I had set up a dashboard with a global filter for selecting an account. The report could have been created manually: select an account, wait for dashboard to refresh, save the PDF, and rinse and repeat for each account. Instead, I decided to automate the process using Python, WebDriver, and PhantomJS.
Once you've added the
file to your project, here's an example of how easy it is to use:
from .chartio import ChartioDashboardRetriever
chartio = ChartioDashboardRetriever(CHARTIO_USERNAME, CHARTIO_PASSWORD)
pdf = chartio.get_pdf_for_dashboard(CHARTIO_DASHBOARD_URL, ["Account 1", "Account 2"])
You can then save the PDF as a file or attach it to an email.
You'll need to have the following installed on your machine for this to work:
- Unix packages
, andfontconfig
- Python packages
, andselenium
- PhantomJS binary
Here's the code I used to install these on a 32-bit Ubuntu machine:
sudo apt-get install libicu48 libjpeg-dev fontconfig
curl -s | sudo tar xfj - --strip-components 2 -C /usr/bin phantomjs-1.9.2-linux-i686/bin/phantomjs
pip install Pillow==2.3.0 PyPDF2==1.19 selenium==2.31.0
Note that the long curl
command simply places a copy of the phantomjs
binary into /usr/bin
. If you end up putting it elsewhere, be sure to update the PHANTOMJS_PATH
attribute in