==> Home is representative about card (now just for Sophie, so just images student + Firstname Name)
==> Can Add a card (First card got a + button)
==> Student Page is an image (+ button to upload image) with multiple tab. (as Browser (limited to 5 tab or depends on size, with arrow to navigate on tab), or under the image a menu (menu can be dynamic).
==> On student page can navigate between student (Big arrow in browser or slide on mobile)
APP is Home
Student card (just the photo + name ), and one card to create a new student
Student component will have Overview component + tab compoment + Arrow (or slide to go to next or previous student) + save button (check if firstname and name are filled)
Overview component will be just an image + firstname name birthday, if image is not present it will be a + to add photo
Tab component will have a menu + text zone (depending on student_id/menu_id)
Later : create class where belong to student
Init react white APP
Use semantic UI