Remember the locations of your remote friends with this app.
This app allows you to type in a friend name and the city they are located in.
Upon submit, your friend will be saved onto the map.
- Lead Developer: Felipe Fernandez
The latest deployment of FriendFinder can be viewed at
This app uses the MERN (MongoDB, Express, ReactJS, Node) stack.
In addition, Mongoose and the Google Maps API are used.
Knowledge is the above mentioned technologies will be very helpful.
Fork the repo to your local GitHub.
Open your favorite terminal.
Navigate to where you want to clone the repo.
Type git clone
to clone the repo to your computer.
Navigate into the cloned repo.
Type npm install
to install dependencies.
In your terminal, navigate into your repo, and type npm run react-dev
Open another terminal tab.
Type mongod
or if that doesn’t work sudo mongod
and type your password.
Open another terminal tab and navigate into your repo.
Type npm run server-dev
Open your Chrome browser and type http://localhost:3000
The homepage should appear.
- Clean up styling.
- Implement delete functionality to added friends.