明日方舟通行证样式的带屏幕LED灯牌程序,使用HAL库开发,在STM32G0运行,至少需要 64KB Flash
Arknights pass-style LED sign with screen, developed using HAL library, runs on STM32G0, requires at least 64KB Flash.
初始化代码由 STM32CubeMX 生成请使用 STM32CubeIDE 或 VSCode + EIDE 插件打开,GCC 版本为14.1.0
The initialization code is generated by STM32CubeMX. Please use STM32CubeIDE or VSCode + EIDE plug-in to open it. The GCC version is 14.1.0.
硬件信息及各种文件发布在 立创开源硬件平台
Hardware information and various documents are published on OSHWHub.
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