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SAM_gbXML is part of SAM Toolkit that is designed to help export/import gbXML from SAM Analytical Model. Welcome and let's make the opensource journey continue. 🤝 SAM_gbXML is a C# library that provides functionality for working with gbXML files, a standard format used to exchange building information data. It is a module of the Sustainable Analytical Model (SAM) software developed by Michal Dengusiak and Jakub Ziolkowski.


  • Convert gbXML geometry objects to SAM geometry objects
  • Analyze gbXML geometry objects and calculate their properties
  • Create gbXML geometry objects from scratch
  • Validate gbXML files



To install SAM from .exe just download and run latest installer otherwise rebuild using VS SAM and SAM_gbXML


Converting gbXML to SAM
The library provides extension methods that allow you to easily convert gbXML geometry objects to SAM geometry objects. For example, to convert a gbXML opening object to a SAM aperture object, you can use the following code:

using SAM.Analytical.gbXML;


var gbxmlOpening = ...; // get the gbXML opening object
var samAperture = gbxmlOpening.ToSAM();

Analyzing gbXML geometry objects
The library also provides methods for analyzing gbXML geometry objects and calculating their properties. For example, to calculate the area of a gbXML polygon object, you can use the following code:

using SAM.Geometry.gbXML;


var gbxmlPolygon = ...; // get the gbXML polygon object
var area = gbxmlPolygon.GetArea();

Creating gbXML geometry objects
You can also create gbXML geometry objects from scratch using the classes provided in the library. For example, to create a gbXML polygon object, you can use the following code:

using SAM.Geometry.gbXML;


var vertices = new List<Point3D> { new Point3D(0, 0, 0), new Point3D(1, 0, 0), new Point3D(1, 1, 0), new Point3D(0, 1, 0) };
var gbxmlPolygon = new Polygon(vertices);

Validating gbXML files
The library provides methods for validating gbXML files. For example, to validate a gbXML file, you can use the following code:

using SAM.Geometry.gbXML;


var gbxmlFile = ...; // get the path to the gbXML file
var errors = gbxmlFile.Validate();


If you would like to contribute to SAM_gbXML, please fork the repository and submit a pull request. Before submitting a pull request, please make sure that your code adheres to the coding standards and conventions used in the project.


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Each contributor holds copyright over their respective contributions. The project versioning (Git) records all such contribution source information. See LICENSE and COPYRIGHT_HEADER.