A helper package for working with the WordPress Customizer
composer require horttcore/wp-customizer
use Horttcore\Customizer\Customize;
(new Customize)
->panel( __('My Panel', 'textdomain') )
->section( __('My Section', 'textdomain') )
->checkbox( 'my-checkbox', __('Checkbox', 'textdomain') )
->color( 'my-color', __('Color', 'textdomain') )
->file( 'my-file', __('File', 'textdomain') )
->image( 'my-image', __('Image', 'textdomain') )
->page( 'my-page', __('Page', 'textdomain') )
->radio( 'my-radio', __('Radio', 'textdomain'), ['option1' => 'Option 1', 'option2' => 'Option 2'] );
->select( 'my-select', __('Select', 'textdomain'), ['option1' => 'Option 1', 'option2' => 'Option 2'] );
->text( 'my-text', __('Text', 'textdomain') )
->textarea( 'my-textarea', __('Textarea', 'textdomain') )
->url( 'my-url', __('Url', 'textdomain') )
use Horttcore\Customizer\Customize;
(new Customize)
->panel( __('My Panel', 'textdomain') )
->section( __('My Section', 'textdomain') )
->text( 'my-text', __('My Text', 'textdomain'), ['type' => 'option'] )
use Horttcore\Customizer\Customize;
(new Customize)
->panel( 'My Panel' )
->section( __('My Section', 'textdomain') )
->text( 'my-text', __('My Text', 'textdomain'), ['capability' => 'edit_posts'] )
use Horttcore\Customizer\Customize;
(new Customize)
->panel( 'My Panel' )
->section( 'My Section' )
->text( 'my-text', 'Text', [], ['description' => __('This is awesome', 'textdomain')] )
$mod = get_theme_mod('my-text');
(new Customize)
->image( 'mobile logo', __('Mobile Logo', 'textdomain'), [], [
'section' => 'title_tagline',
'priority' => 1
] )
- Adding support for including elements in existing panels
- Rename
- Initial release