crud system for codeigniter , ajax delete and insert + list + auto search , sort , pagination ....
- PHP 5.2 or greater
- CodeIgniter
copy the files in the root of your codeigniter application
list set of data from your database :
$config['labels'] = array( 'username'=>'Username' , 'email'=>' Email' );
$dataTable = $this->mz_crud->list_('users');
$config['labels'] = array( 'username'=>'Alias' , 'email'=>'Email' , 'about_me'=> 'About Me' );
$config['ignor'] = array('id');
$config['check_duplicate'] = array( 'username' , 'email' );
$config['redirect'] = base_url().'index/crudList/';
$config['inp_type'] = array('username'=>'text' , 'about_me'=>'rich_textarea');
$insertTable = $this->mz_crud->add('users');
$config['labels'] = array( 'username'=>'Alias' , 'email'=>'Email' , 'about_me'=> 'About Me' );
$config['ignor'] = array('id');
$config['check_duplicate'] = array( 'username' , 'email' );
$config['redirect'] = base_url().'index/crudList/';
$config['inp_type'] = array('username'=>'text' , 'about_me'=>'rich_textarea');
$insertTable = $this->mz_crud->edit( $id , 'users');
*see the sample code for more information
The preferences described below .
Note that not all preferences are availabel for every function.
Preference | Default Value | value | Description | Availability |
labels | database column label | array of 'column'=>'label' pairs | Sets the label for each database column in the view | all |
ignor | None | array of columns | Sets column that should be ignored in the operation | all |
redirect | current_url() | string | Sets the redirect URL after operation (edit , insert ) |
add , edit |
edit_url | current_url() | string | Sets the Url to Edit function | list_ |
fail_url | current_url() | string | Sets the redirect URL after operation fails | add , edit |
inp_type | type="text" | array of 'column'=>'input type' pairs | Sets the Html input type for each column. | all |
options | empty array | 2d array of 'column'=>array('option label'=>'option value') | Sets the selectable options for input_type of (select , checkbox , radio ) | all |
check_duplicate | None | array of columns | checks the database for duplicate before insert or edit | all |
md_options | None | array( 'add' , 'edit' , 'delete') | Sets the moderating options for a list . | list_ |
id_fild | id | string | sets the id colum in database | edit |
per_page | 0 | int | sets the per page option for pagination ( 0 == no pagination ) | list_ |
search | empty array | array of columns | sets the searchable colums and adds a search option to the list | list_ |
sort | empty array | array of columns | sets the sortable colums and adds a sort option to the list | list_ |
documentready | ampty array | array | javascript commands to be run on document ready | all |
lang | array('file'=>'crud' , 'folder'=>'crud') | array | sets the address for language file | all |
##sample code
lets say we have a table called "users" users : id , username , email , recive_newsletter , profile
class index extends CI_Controller {
function crudList(){
$config['ignor'] = array('id' , 'recive_newsletter' , 'profile' );
$config['check_duplicate'] = array( 'username' , 'email');
$config['edit_url'] = base_url().'index/crudEdit/';
$config['md_options'] = array( 'add' , 'edit' , 'delete');
$config['labels'] = array( 'username'=>'UserName' , 'email'=>'Email);
$config['per_page'] = 2;
$config['search'] = array( 'username' , 'email');
$config['sort'] = array( 'username');
echo $this->mz_crud->list_('users');
function crudInsert(){
$config['labels'] = array('username'=>'UserName' , 'email'=>'Email' , 'recive_newsletter'=>'would you like to recive our newsletter' , 'profile'=>'Choose how you share information on your profile ?');
$config['ignor'] = array('id');
$config['check_duplicate'] = array( 'username' , 'email' );
$config['redirect'] = base_url().'index/crudList/';
$config['inp_type'] = array('newsletter'=>'select' , 'profile'=>'radio');
$config['options'] = array('newsletter'=>array('Yes , i do'=>'1' , 'No , thanx '=>'0' ) ,
'profile'=>array('i want a public profile '=>'public' , 'i want a private profile'=>'private' ));
$config['documentready'] = array('alert("Please fill in all fields ");');
echo $this->mz_crud->add('users');
function crudEdit( $id = 0 ){
$config['labels'] = array('username'=>'UserName' , 'email'=>'Email' , 'recive_newsletter'=>'would you like to recive our newsletter' , 'profile'=>'Choose how you share information on your profile ?');
$config['ignor'] = array('id');
$config['check_duplicate'] = array( 'username' , 'email' );
$config['redirect'] = base_url().'index/crudList/';
$config['inp_type'] = array('newsletter'=>'select' , 'profile'=>'radio');
$config['options'] = array('newsletter'=>array('Yes , i do'=>'1' , 'No , thanx '=>'0' ) ,
'profile'=>array('i want a public profile '=>'public' , 'i want a private profile'=>'private' ));
$config['documentready'] = array('alert("Please fill in all fields ");');
echo $this->mz_crud->edit( $id , 'users');