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I'm Hrithik Sahu, just Starting out with Google Cloud by Participating in the Google cloud Ready Facilitator Program.

What is #GoogleCloudReady Facilitator program?

The #GoogleCloudReady Facilitator program will provide you an opportunity to kickstart your career in cloud and get hands on practice on GCP (Google Cloud Platform) - the tool that powers apps like Google Search, Gmail and YouTube.

Along the way, you will learn & practice concepts like computing, application development, big data & machine learning using cloud & if you get stuck, you will have your "Facilitators" who are specially trained on Google Cloud to help. 😎

Why should I enrol in the program?

There are a lot of things in store for you. We want to make sure that by the end of this program:

  1. You can showcase what you've learned here to your professional network using Google Cloud-hosted quest & skill badges (see below) that you can add to your resume and professional profiles like LinkedIn. 🏆

Google Cloud Essentials Quest GCE Skill Badge Baseline Infrastructure Quest BI Skill Badge

  1. And on top of these amazing badges, get a chance to win some really cool Gooogle Cloud goodies*. 💪 (this was enough for me to participate in this program :) )

Cloud T-shirt Cloud Laptop Bag Cloud Sling Bag More

Program's Syllabus

The program will introduce you to Computing, Application Development, Big Data & Machine Learning using Google Cloud's training platform called Qwiklabs where you will learn each of these topic using self-paced labs that provides you temporary credentials to Google Cloud Platform, so you can learn the cloud using the real thing – no simulations.

For convinience, we have divided the topics above into 3 different tracks - starting from the most basic.


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