sael (Structure dAtabase Editing pLatform) is intended to be a sysadmin tool to upload a set of shp files to the new NSI database. PostGIS database instance must be accessible by the upload environment. The tool requires ogr2ogr, folder assets/dem/, and assets/metaTemplate.xlsx.
Database setup and cleanup SQL scripts are stored in scripts/sql/. All tables must be created inside a specified database schema (changeable in internal/global/vars.go). Field X, and Y must exist for each inventory row. Set PG_USE_COPY=YES as env var to massively boost upload speed.
0. To build
go build -o sael .
1. Generate metadata template
./sael prepare --shpPath /workspaces/shape-sql-loader/test/nsi/NSI_V2_Archives/V2022/15001.shp
2. Fill in metadata xls file and upload
./sael mod inventory --shpPath /workspaces/shape-sql-loader/test/nsi/NSI_V2_Archives/V2022/15003.shp --xlsPath /workspaces/shape-sql-loader/metadatatest.xlsx --sqlConn "host=host.docker.internal port=25432 user=admin password=notPassword database=gis"
Optional - To upload multiple shp files synchronously, use the included upload bash script
uploadDir -x metadatatest.xlsx -d test/nsi/NSI_V2_Archives/V2022/ -s "host=host.docker.internal port=25432 user=admin password=notPassword database=gis"
3. Add user to group
./sael mod user --group nsidev --role admin --user user_id --sqlConn "host=host.docker.internal port=25432 user=admin password=notPassword database=gis"
4. To add elevation to a dataset
./sael mod elevation --dataset testDataset --version 0.0.2 --quality high --sqlConn "host=host.docker.internal port=25432 user=admin password=notPassword database=gis"
Bonus VIM config: Delve can be used to start a headless debug server inside a container and connected from the local environment using vimspector. The attached .vimspector config can "docker exec" into a container and start the delve server automatically. Alternatively, the debugger can be start and attached manually via the "remoteConnect" option:
dlv debug --listen= --api-version=2 --log --log-output=dap --headless -- --mode prep --shpPath /workspaces/shape-sql-loader/test/nsi/NSI_V2_Archives/V2022/15001.shp