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This is a small bot intended for use on the Together Java discord server.


We will see whether it evolves, but it will likely only handle smaller tasks for now.


  • JDA
    • Discord API
  • TOML4J
    • A Java implementation of the TOML config language
  • Brigardier
    • Mojang's Minecraft command parser
  • Logback and SLF4J
    • Logging
  • Maven
    • Build system

Some day Junit5 might join that list…


You are welcome to raise issues or suggestions in the issue tracker here. PRs are welcome too :)

Setting up a local dev environment

  1. You should probably clone this repository via git clone
  2. Enter the cloned directory and set up your IDE of choice
  3. Copy the default bot config found in src/main/resources to another place and edit it to your heart's content. If you copy it to a file called realized.toml in the root of this project it is already covered by an ignore rule.
    • Edit the run configuration for the ApplicationEntry class to add an environment variable called TJ_CONFIG_PATH which contains the path to the config file.
    • OR pass the path to the config as the first command line argument
  4. Set your bot token in the config
  5. Run the org.togetherjava.ApplicationEntry class

Build instructions

This project uses Maven as its build system. You can generate a jar file by running mvn clean package while inside the root of the project. The jar file can then be found in the target folder.

Writing a new command

  1. Make a new class in the org.togetherjava.command.commands package. All classes in that package are automatically registered at runtime.
  2. Make sure the class has a constructor that takes no arguments or takes a single Toml instance (the bot config).
  3. Implement the mandated method:
    public LiteralCommandNode<CommandSource> getCommand(CommandDispatcher<CommandSource> dispatcher) {
  4. Build your command in there. Here is the echo command, which might serve as an example:
    public LiteralCommandNode<CommandSource> getCommand(CommandDispatcher<CommandSource> dispatcher) {
      return CommandGenericHelper.literal("echo")
              CommandGenericHelper.argument("message", StringArgumentType.greedyString())
                  .executes(context -> {
                    CommandSource source = context.getSource();
                    String argument = context.getArgument("message", String.class);
                        .sendMessage(SimpleMessage.information(argument), source.getChannel());
                    return 0;
  5. For more information on adding commands, refer to the documentation for Brigardier or ask :)


  • Role assignment via reactions
  • Rep? Maybe give/remove via a given emoji?


A bot for the Togetherjava discord server








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