This product adds a plone behavior for dexterity content. The behavior adds a text field containing an internal number.
- Optional uniqueness validation
- Optional default value
- Inclusion in searchable text
- Global or type by type configuration
- A configuration page can manage globally or type by type:
- a uniqueness option
- an incremented number
- a default value tal expression
In the configuration panel, go to dexterity types. Click on the type you want extend with the internal number field. Go to the behavior tab. Select "Internal number field" behavior.
If you want the internal number be searched in searchable text, you can also select the "Dynamic SearchableText indexer behavior"
This product has been translated into
- French (thanks the author)
Install collective.behavior.internalnumber by adding it to your buildout:
[buildout] ... eggs = collective.behavior.internalnumber
and then running bin/buildout
- Issue Tracker:
- Source Code:
- Documentation:
The project is licensed under the GPLv2.