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Step 4: Extractor2Dataset

pequegnot edited this page May 5, 2014 · 4 revisions


plotIt_mtt> cd ../Extractor2Dataset

The aim of this step is to convert the Extractuples into datasets. At the end, you generate different datasets for data, MC (background) and signal.

The script that fills this role is Extractor2Dataset.cpp. You can feed the script directly with the Extractuples lists or with the skims you created in step 1. The python files correspond to the configuration files which have to be tuned to run on your own datasets.

How to use it

First merge the Z' signal skims 2 by 2 (the nominal one and the extended one) for each mass and each width, for example:

Extractor2Dataset> cd ../PreSkim/skims/<aDate>/semimu/
semimu> hadd Signal_ZPrimeToTTJets_M1500GeV_W15GeV_merged_skims_nominal.root Signal_ZPrimeToTTJets_M1500GeV_W15GeV_ext_skims_nominal.root Signal_ZPrimeToTTJets_M1500GeV_W15GeV_skims_nominal.root

Then, follow the instructions given in step 2 for Extractor2Histo.


   ./extractor2Dataset  {--input-list <string>|-i <string>} {--data|--mc}
                        [--mva] [--skim] [--lepton-syst <string>]
                        [--btag-syst <string>] [--pileup-syst <string>]
                        [--trigger-syst <string>] [--jec-syst <string>]
                        [--pdf-syst <string>] [--weight <double>] [-n
                        <int>] [--pileup <string>] --type <string> -o
                        <string> [--] [--version] [-h]


   --input-list <string>
     (OR required)  A text file containing a list of input files
         -- OR --
   -i <string>,  --input-file <string>
     (OR required)  The input file

     (OR required)  Is this data?
         -- OR --
     (OR required)  Is this mc?

     Use MVA instead of chi2

     Run over a skimmed file

   --lepton-syst <string>
     Compute lepton weight systematic

   --btag-syst <string>
     Compute btag weight systematic

   --pileup-syst <string>
     PU profile to use for pileup reweigthing

   --trigger-syst <string>
     Computing trigger weight systematic

   --jec-syst <string>
     Computing trigger weight for this JEC up / down

   --pdf-syst <string>
     PDF systematic to compute

   --weight <double>
     MC generator weight

   -n <int>,  -- <int>
     Maximal number of entries to process

   --pileup <string>
     PU profile used for MC production

   --type <string>
     (required)  current inputfile type (semie or semimu)

   -o <string>,  --output-file <string>
     (required)  output file

   --,  --ignore_rest
     Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.

     Displays version information and exits.

   -h,  --help
     Displays usage information and exits.

   reduce Zprime dataset