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Python Versions

Tooling for monitoring processes activity inside a docker container. Depends on python and the well supported psutil package.


  • child process cpu usage
  • child process disk usage
  • overall container network usage
  • jupyter kernel activity

Exposes Prometheus metrics regarding:

  • total outgoing network usage
  • total incoming network usage

Quick-ish start

Step 1

Inside your Dockerfile add the following. Please replace the TARGET_VERSION and adjust all BUSY_THRESHOLD for your application.


# Detection thresholds for application

# install service activity monitor
RUN apt-get update && \
  apt-get install -y curl && \
  # install using curl
  curl -sSL | \
  bash -s -- ${ACTIVITY_MONITOR_VERSION} && \
  # cleanup and remove curl
  apt-get purge -y --auto-remove curl && \
  rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

Step 2

Inside your boot script before starting your application start something similar to

python /usr/local/bin/service-monitor/ &

In most cases something similar to the below will do the trick (don't forget to replace USER).

exec gosu "$USER" python /usr/local/bin/service-monitor/ &

Step 3

Inside you image's label something similar to this should end up:

        simcore.service.callbacks-mapping: '{"inactivity": {"service": "container",
          "command": ["python", "/usr/local/bin/service-monitor/"], "timeout":

Note if your service defines it's own compose spec. container must be replaced with the name of the service where these are installed.

In most cases you will easily configure this by adding the following to your .osparc/service-name/runtime.yaml file:

    service: container
    command: ["python", "/usr/local/bin/service-monitor/"]
    timeout: 1

Available configuration options

The following flags disable the monitors. By default all the monitors are enabled.
  • ACTIVITY_MONITOR_DISABLE_JUPYTER_KERNEL_MONITOR default=False: disables and does not configure the jupyter kernel monitor
  • ACTIVITY_MONITOR_DISABLE_CPU_USAGE_MONITOR default=False: disables and does not configure the cpu usage monitor
  • ACTIVITY_MONITOR_DISABLE_DISK_USAGE_MONITOR default=False: disables and does not configure the disk usage monitor
  • ACTIVITY_MONITOR_DISABLE_NETWORK_USAGE_MONITOR default=False: disables and does not configure the network usage monitor
All the following env vars are to be interpreted as follows: if the value is greater than (>) threshold, the corresponding manager will report busy.
  • ACTIVITY_MONITOR_BUSY_THRESHOLD_CPU_PERCENT [percentage(%)], default=1000: used cpu usage monitor
  • ACTIVITY_MONITOR_BUSY_THRESHOLD_DISK_READ_BPS [bytes], default=1099511627776: used by disk usage monitor
  • ACTIVITY_MONITOR_BUSY_THRESHOLD_DISK_WRITE_BPS [bytes], default=1099511627776: used by disk usage monitor
  • ACTIVITY_MONITOR_BUSY_THRESHOLD_NETWORK_RECEIVED_BPS [bytes], default=1099511627776: used by network usage monitor
  • ACTIVITY_MONITOR_BUSY_THRESHOLD_NETWORK_SENT_BPS [bytes], default=1099511627776: used by network usage monitor
  • ACTIVITY_MONITOR_JUPYTER_NOTEBOOK_BASE_URL [str] default=http://localhost:8888: endpoint where the jupyter notebook is exposed
  • ACTIVITY_MONITOR_JUPYTER_NOTEBOOK_KERNEL_CHECK_INTERVAL_S [float] default=5: used by the jupyter kernel monitor to update it's metrics
  • ACTIVITY_MONITOR_MONITOR_INTERVAL_S [float] default=1: all other monitors us this interval to update their metrics
  • ACTIVITY_MONITOR_LISTEN_PORT [int] default=19597: port on which the http server will be exposed

Exposed API

GET /activity

Used by oSPARC top retrieve the status of the service if it's active or not

{"seconds_inactive": 0}
curl http://localhost:19597/activity

GET /debug

Used for debugging and not used by oSPARC

  "kernel_monitor": {
    "is_busy": false,
    "config": {
      "poll_interval": 5
  "cpu_usage": {
    "is_busy": false,
    "total": 0,
    "config": {
      "poll_interval": 1,
      "busy_threshold": 0.5
  "disk_usage": {
    "is_busy": true,
    "total": {
      "bytes_read_per_second": 4077,
      "bytes_write_per_second": 8155
    "config": {
      "poll_interval": 1,
      "read_usage_threshold": 0,
      "write_usage_threshold": 0
  "network_usage": {
    "is_busy": true,
    "total": {
      "bytes_received_per_second": 5417,
      "bytes_sent_per_second": 2899
    "config": {
      "poll_interval": 1,
      "received_usage_threshold": 1024,
      "sent_usage_threshold": 1024
curl http://localhost:19597/debug

GET /metrics

Exposes Prometheus metrics relative to the running processes.

# HELP network_bytes_received_total Total number of bytes received across all network interfaces.
# TYPE network_bytes_received_total counter
network_bytes_received_total 23434790

# HELP network_bytes_sent_total Total number of bytes sent across all network interfaces.
# TYPE network_bytes_sent_total counter
network_bytes_sent_total 22893843
curl http://localhost:19597/metrics


KNOWN ISSUE: please push all your commits and wait for the CI to go green before making a new release. If the CI is read the release will still be created.

To create a new release just add a new tag (in the format vX.X.X) to a commit and push it. The CI will take care of creating the release.

To tag the current git commit and trigger a release run:

make release tag=vX.X.X