The main goal of this project is to create a telegram bot for currency conversioning. To do this, you have to open your Telegram app, find @currencyCounterBot, type /start and follow the bot's instructions
- To start this project, you have to provide API keys from your APILayer( and RevAI( accounts. Keys should be typed in exchangeratesdata.api.key and revai.api.key fields in src/main/resources/ file
- Application can work only with currencies in ISO 4217 format. You can read more about this here -
- JDK 17
- Docker
- Maven
- Download the project
- Go to the project main directory
To run it using Docker:
docker compose up
To run it from jar:
docker compose up -d db
mvn clean install
java -jar ./target/demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
To run tests with reports:
docker compose up -d db
mvn clean test