Its a game which does infinite terrain generation, the player has no specific objective in the game you can try reaching the world border.
- block breaking
- loadable chunks
- terrain generation
- 4 biomes
NHS (PyWeek Team)
- BeautifulReques (Ibrahim2750mi): terrain generation, optimisation, graphics, chunk system, re-write 2.0
- aph: graphics, block class
- redish2098: music, item class
- Vthechamp: bug fixing and re-assesing the code
- SReaperz: block breaking, player class, inventory, camera, entity class
- jack_sparrow: start screen
- einarf: optimising, re-writing everything 1.0
- Currently, inventory gets full without being full.
- Sometimes the immediate block doesn't break.
After installing the libs in requirements.txt
do python src/
Currently, if there isn't game data present in data folder you have to run the game two times.
- A block is 20 x 20 pixels
- Each HorizontalChunk is 16 x 320 blocks