Windows Taskbar is a java wrapper around the Windows native ITaskBarList3 interface with the help of JNA.
It currently supports the following features:
- Initialization of the COM library
- Creation of ThumbButtons
- Interception of the WM_COMMAND message from the window message loop
- Registration of click handlers which will get notified when a ThumbButton is clicked
- Support for custom icons
- Conversion of .ico files from the classpath or filesystem to native HICON instances
- Updating already existing ThumbButtons
- Java AWT integration
- JavaFX integration
Java 17 is required to use Windows Taskbar.
To use the library with JavaFX one has to retrieve the window handle to the active main window.
Currently one can use any of the following methods to retrieve such a handle after the JavaFX Stage is shown:
final Stage stage = ...;
var handle = WindowHandleFinder.getFromInternalJavaFX(stage);
var handle = WindowHandleFinder.getFromActiveWindow();
To use the library with Java AWT one has to retrieve the window handle to the active main window.
Currently one can use any of the following methods to retrieve such a handle after the AWT Window is shown:
final Component component = ...;
var handle = WindowHandleFinder.getFromInternalAWT(component);
final String windowTitle = ...;
var handle = WindowHandleFinder.findByName(windowTitle);
final Icon testIcon = Icon.fromClassPath("test", "test.ico");
IWindowsTaskbar taskbar = TaskbarBuilder.builder()
.setTooltip("Click Me")
.setOnClicked(evt -> System.out.println("Clicked on button with id " +
.setTooltip("Test Tooltip")
A strong reference to an instance of the IWindowsTaskbar is needed, if an override of the standard window message loop of the used GUI library is desired.