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PROPOSAL (Propagator with optimal precision and optimized speed for all leptons) is presented as a public tool for muon propagation through transparent media. Up-to-date cross sections for ionization, bremsstrahlung, photonuclear interactions, electron pair production, Landau–Pomeranchuk–Migdal and Ter-Mikaelian effects, muon and tau decay, as well as Molière scattering are implemented for different parametrizations. The full Paper can be found here
PROPOSAL was tested on Mac OS X V. 10.7.5, Ubuntu 12.04, SUSE Enterprise 10 and PCLinuxos. Since all these OS are UNIX based it should be fine to run and compile PROPOSAL on a UNIX based OS.
PROPOSAL is now a C++11 library using also pybind11 instead of boost python!
- Boost Library 1.48 or higher
- log4cplus 2.0.0 or higher
- CMake 2.8 or higher
- Doxygen (For pdf and html documentation of the code)
- pybind11 (To build the python wrapper) If you decide to build the python wrapper and pybind11 is not provided on your system, pybind11 will be cloned to the project source folder.
Install instruction for the standalone installation are found in install.
Before installation of icesim, one should copy some files from the resources folder to other IceCube Simulation projects to provide compatibility:
cp src/PROPOSAL/resources/icesim/MuonGun/MuonPropagator.* src/MuonGun/private/MuonGun/
cp src/PROPOSAL/resources/icesim/MuonGun/shower_and_propagate.py src/MuonGun/resources/scripts/
cp src/PROPOSAL/resources/icesim/MuonGun/utils.py src/MuonGun/resources/scripts/
cp src/PROPOSAL/resources/icesim/simprod-scripts/PropagateMuons.py src/simprod-scripts/python/segments/
cp src/PROPOSAL/resources/icesim/simprod-scripts/proposal_alternate_cross_sections.py src/simprod-scripts/resources/examples/proposal_alternate_cross_sections.py
cp src/PROPOSAL/resources/icesim/clsim/PropagateMuons.py src/clsim/resources/scripts/photonPaths/
PROPOSAL is build as library. So you can include this project in your own c++ project by including the header files. The following snippet uses the configuration to propagte muons and store the muon ranges for further proceeds. The parameters of the configuration file are described here.
using namespace PROPOSAL;
Propagator prop(MuMinusDef::Get(), "resources/config.json");
Particle& mu = prop.GetParticle();
Particle mu_backup(mu);
mu_backup.SetDirection(Vector3D(0, 0, -1));
std::vector<double> ranges;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
// ... Do stuff with ranges, e.g. plot histogram
Supposing this snippet is the content of foo.cxx
within the
following minimal code structure
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── resources
│ ├── configuration
│ └── tables
└── source
└── foo.cpp
the CMakeLists.txt
could look like
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
add_executable(foo source/foo.cpp)
target_link_libraries (foo ${PROPOSAL_LIBRARIES})
endif ()
How to use PROPOSAL within Python is demonstrated with some example scripts you can find in resources/examples/standalone.
For a short demonstration the following snippet will create data you can use to show the distribution of muon ranges and the number of interactions in ice. The parameters of the given configuration file are described here.
import pyPROPOSAL as pp
prop = pp.Propagator(
mu = prop.particle
mu_backup = pp.particle.Particle(mu)
mu_backup.energy = 9e6
mu_backup.direction = pp.Vector3D(0, 0, -1)
mu_length = []
mu_secondaries = []
for i in range(1000):
secondaries = prop.propagate()
mu_length.append(prop.particle.propagated_distance / 100)
The C++ API can be build using
make doc
A documentation of the configuration file can be found here.
When you encounter any errors or misunderstandings don't hesitate and write a mail to Jan Soedingrekso, Mario Dunsch, Tomasz Fuchs or Jan-Hendrik Koehne.
This software may be modified and distributed under the terms of a modified LGPL License. See the LICENSE for details of the LGPL License.
Modifcations of the LGPL License:
The user shall acknowledge the use of PROPOSAL by citing the following reference:
J.H. Koehne et al. Comput.Phys.Commun. 184 (2013) 2070-2090 DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2013.04.001
The user should report any bugs/errors or improvments to the current maintainer of PROPOSAL.
Mario Dunsch, Jan Soedingrekso
Jan-Hendrick Koehne, Tomasz Fuchs
This work was created as part of the project C3 of the SFB876.