Welcome to QuotesAppSwiftUI! This project is a showcase of my learning journey with SwiftUI, the Combine framework, and MVVM architecture. Developed as an example application, it aims to demonstrate the power and simplicity of SwiftUI in building modern iOS applications.
- Random Quote: Get inspired with a randomly selected quote.
- List of Quotes: Browse through a comprehensive list of quotes and view detailed information for each one.
- List of Authors: Explore a list of authors and dive into details about their lives and works.
- SwiftUI: Leverages the latest UI framework from Apple to create a clean and intuitive user interface.
- Combine: Utilizes the reactive programming framework to handle asynchronous events and data binding seamlessly.
- MVVM Architecture: Implements the Model-View-ViewModel pattern for a clear separation of concerns, making the code more modular and maintainable.
Explore the source code to see how SwiftUI, Combine, and MVVM come together to create a smooth and responsive user experience. Feel free to fork the repository, open issues for any bugs or enhancements, and contribute to the project!