These examples demonstrate the functionality of following devices:
- CYW20819A1 chip: CYW920819EVB-02, CYBT-213043-MESH, CYBT-213043-EVAL
- CYW20820A1 chip: CYW920820EVB-02
- CYW20721B2 chip: CYW920721B2EVK-01
Each example has a readme.txt that explains what do and what to observe when running the example. Also review the chip specific readme.txt for an overvivew of the BT SDK features and tools.
See BT-SDK-1.4.pdf for details of applications and supported devices.
Apps in the 'demo' folder are reference applications and more complex in nature. Apps in the 'snips' folder demonstrate a specific feature or library. These examples support ModusToolbox v1.1. They do not work with ModusToolbox v1.0 or ModusToolbox v2.0
ModusToolbox 1.1 can be installed from this link:
Download and unzip this repository onto your local machine. You can also clone the repository into a location on your local machine. This puts all the code examples on your local machine.
In the ModusToolbox IDE, click the New Application link in the Quick Panel (or, use File > New > ModusToolbox IDE Application). Pick your kit (or a custom board). You must use a kit or device supported by the code example.
In the Starter Application window, click the Import button and navigate to the file for the example. Click Next and complete the application creation process.