Using Zero cost meta-framework for IOT
Zero-cost abstractions for pin frameworks
This project is in early development and should only be used by contributing developers. Expect substantial changes to the library API as it evolves. Contributions, ideas and PRs are very welcome.
Provide a set of common small libraries packed into one.
Serve as an example of OnePin library usage.
Button simple button state provider with states:
- Open⁺
- Pressed
- Hold⁺
- Released
⁺ Open and Hold states can repeat
Pressed and Released states are unique and must be consumed
ClickButton Button variant with extra unique states:
- DoubleClicked
- Clicked
Encoder simple quad-encoder driver
AccelEncoder Encoder variant with acceleration
#include <OneArduino.h>
#include <OneLib/Button.h>
// using namespace OneLib;
using namespace OneLib::Arduino;
#include <OneLib/ClickButton.h>
void rise() {Serial.println("button pressed");}
void fall() {Serial.println("button released");}
void ledOn() {Serial.println("led id on");}
void ledOff() {Serial.println("led id off");}
//default led output with rise/fall associated functions
typedef OneLib::Arduino::PinCap<OneLib::Arduino::OnRise<OneLib::Arduino::OnFall<OutputPin<LED_BUILTIN>,ledOff>,ledOn>> Led;
#define BUTTON_PIN 4
//pulled-up input pin with 10ms software debounce
//with rise/fall associated fuctions
typedef OneLib::Arduino::PinCap<OneLib::Arduino::OnRise<OneLib::Arduino::OnFall<Debouncer<InputPin<-BUTTON_PIN>,10>,fall>,rise>> Btn;
//button driver, emits Clicked events +
ClickButton<> oneBtn(Hook<Btn>::pin());
void setup() {
Serial.println("OneLib - togLed example");
Serial.println("toggle led state on button press");
// Btn::begin();//static pin init
oneBtn.begin();//dynamic pin init
//toggle led when button clicked
void loop() {
if(oneBtn.get()==BtnState::Clicked) Led::tog();