How it's going to work:
We first run trough every single man page and create two trees:
The first tree is of nameContent structs, those are structs made of a name and a content, we can search those by name later and print the contents.
The second tree is going to be made of wordName structs, those are gonna be searchable by word, and going to relate a word you look for with every single man page that has this word in it.
Checkpoints: Being able to create nameContent Tree: OK Being able to create wordName Tree: Being able to search the nameContent Tree: Being able to search the wordName Tree: Being able to use 2 words to make search the wordName Tree:
The Word.h and Index.h are copies from victorfeijo. They are not final, I'm just using them as examples for some stuff I am going to do.
The AvlTree and the DoublyLinkedList are from ranisalt. They are not final, I'm just using them as examples for some stuff I am going to do.