This a second hand bookstore website that users can join/login and add their old books to sell it and and the users that need that book will contact to the owner of book and can buy it.
Project is in debugging mode.
- Html
- Bootstrap/Font-Awesome
- JavaScript
- Python
- Django
- SQLite
You can checkout the project in the following link The book Bazaar
Test Username: admin
Test Password: 123123
To get the content of this project locally you need to run the following commands in your terminal:
- IDE(code editor) like: Vscode, Sublime, etc.
- Git
- Download the Zip file or clone the repo with:
git clone
- To access cloned directory run:
cd bookstore
- install the following dependencies:
pip install django
pip install jazzmin
pip install pillow
- Activate the virtual enviroment
- In linux
sournce ../env/bin/activate
- In Windows
- Run Server
python runserver
👤 Iqbal Elham
- GitHub: @iqbal-elham
- linkedIn: iqbal-elham
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration
- etc