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Rosie Le Faive edited this page Apr 8, 2022 · 4 revisions


  • Amy Blau (Chair)
  • Greg Colati
  • Bridget Whittle
  • Ian Song
  • Mirko Hanke
  • Rebel Cummings-Sauls
  • Rosie Le Faive (notes)


  • Review/confirm topics for April Open Meeting (agenda below under Islandora Events)
  • Terms of Reference -- are we at a point where we can finalize and vote to approve?
  • Code of Conduct -- are we at a point where we can finalize and vote to approve?
  • Open Meeting topics - Suggestion form

Interest Group Updates

  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Bryan or Don)
  • ISLE Interest Group (Danny or Bryan)
  • Documentation Interest Group (Yamil, Melissa, or Mirko)

Islandora Events

  • April Open Meeting - agenda here

Action Items

  • Chair for next meeting: Amy


April Open Meeting

  • Not yet a response from Julia Corrin regarding presenting about Mirador/OCR. We will prepare an alternative in case it doesn't work out.
  • Rosie will prepare some Drupal 101 content as a fallback

Terms of Reference

  • We reviewed some points and have no problems with it aside from the questions about the code of conduct

Code of Conduct

  • We discussed whether the COC needs wording about being counterproductive. It was agreed there is enough language already to deal with people behaving in such a way.
  • Discussion surrounded having a volunteer CoC body to receive complaints and investigate them. We tried to balance enough language around composition to get it going, with enough freedom and flexibility to be improved in the future (this is why we avoided exact composition numbers).
  • Next steps seem to be to run the COC (including the creation of a new response team) to Leadership then to public comment. Do we have a chair? (jump to below)
  • Is there a way to express that a person thinks another person is violating the CoC? Is that necessary to put in the CoC? It seems the CoC is largely for cases where a victim might not feel comfortable or safe bringing this up directly to the person in violation.
  • The Chair (below) will take CoC to Leadership before opening for public comment.

Chair of the ICC

Amy Blau has volunteered to serve as the ICC's chair (until June) as per the new Terms of Reference. We discussed having a vote for Amy as chair, or as Interim Chair.

  • We voted with 8 in favour and 0 opposed. Claiming quorum, we consider this vote complete.

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  • No upcoming events

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