This is the backend for the react-native mobile job application. All functionality inside this package is as is, and there is no stable release package as of yet.
Following these instructions will get you a working version of the mobile-app-backend running on localhost.
Note: The Authentication Server, and Rest API are two separate applications. You can run one without the other, but will likely run into issues with the client (mobile-app-frontend) without both of them running simultaneously
Create a Virtual Environment (Python 3+)
virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 venv
Activate your Virtual Environment
source venv/bin/activate
Install project requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the authentication server
Run Ngrok (Tunneling, Dev Only; New CLI Tab / Window) for our Authentication Server
ngrok http 5001
Use your ngrok server url inside the frontend-settings.
Requires Python 3.4+ and a SqlAlchemy compatible database.
Running tests for the authentication server
python -m unittest tests/
Expo CLI, React-Native, Flask, Python, SqlAlchemy, Postgres / Sqlite & coffee.