Delani Studio is a fictional website for a studio(Delani) that show case the services that they offer and they have a portfoli section which shows the projects done by programmers/developers/designers. It also has a contact form which enables users/customers to communicate/send a message to Delani Studio
- clone the reposisitory:
git clone https://github.com/JAMAL-MOHAMED-JALDESA-2893/Delani-studio
the cloned file in the directory you cloned it. *usingterminal
navigate to the cloned folder/directory :cd Delani-studio
- open the folder using code editor .
- HTML5 - For structuring the web page.
- CSS - Used to add Custom styling to the pages to make it appealing.
- JavaScript - to add interactivity to the wepsite.
- Bootstrap - CSS framework .
- JQuery - javascript library.
-Not experienced any bugs so far. But feel free to report if you experience any.
- Feel free to contact me for feedback, you can reach me through my personal email: [email protected]
License MIT
Copyright (c) 2021 Jamal Hassan.