Analyze data from is a Point-of-Sale (POS) provider in Vietnam. My friend has two restaurants and the built-in analysis tools are lacking, so I'm writing this to help them out. This basically finds newly added CSV files, parses them, and enters them into SQLite3 for further analysis which is done by other scripts.
warning I haven't used Python on a regular basis since f strings came out (python 3.6) so it's been about 6 years? So this might not be the most pythonic code.
SQLite is in vogue now, and what's more in vogue is not using ORMs. I first started
using ORMs in 2015 with SQLAlchemy, and for this project I've decided to directly
use the sqlite3
python lib to practice my SQL skills.
You can have as many stores as you need, and the CSV files should be called HangHoaBanRaChiTiet.csv
when you download it from pos365. Go to #!/SalesReport and select this setting, then download the data as CSV.
You can call the files whatever, the script will ignore duplicate transactions (this assumes transactions have unique names, which seems to be the case)
Folder structure:
- /store1
- CSV files
- /store2
- CSV files
You'll need to install the python3 dependencies in requirements.txt
Goal: none of these scripts will delete your data in the /data folder. If you delete the database, you can re-initialize it and add the same stores again, and then run the load script again.
Use python3
to initialize the SQLite3 database and data folder. (suggestion: install SQLite DB Browser to view the database)
Use python3 <storename>
to add a store to the database & data folder. This will create a folder in the data folder with the store name.
Use python3
to check the data folder for new CSV files and load them into the database.
It takes about 5 seconds to load about 50,000 transactions into the database. There are calls that could be optimized, but this is fast enough for our operations.
Use python3
to generate the sum_product_sales table.
This is semi-destructive. It will drop the table and recreate it on every run.
This is useful for mapping product_ids to items and categories, because it calculates the total sales for each product_id, so you can map the most important items first.
Use python3 <start_hour> <end_hour> <minute_interval>
to generate reports in the /reports folder.
This is used to create graphs that show sales bucketed into time intervals (to see when your busy hours are)
Example invocation:
python3 10 21 10
This will generate a report for each store.
Reports are generated in the /reports folder with the name convention
and will overwrite existing files.
Use python3
to initialize the items and categories JSON5 file.
There are multiple product_id's for the same item, so this JSON5 file maps the item info to the product_id (which is unique to each store).
Then in the categories JSON5 file, you can map items to a category.
This uses JSON5 rather than JSON so that there can be comments in the file.
There are example values in the generated files.
This is a non-destructive command. If the files already exit they won't be overwritten.
Use python3
to generate reports for categories
These reports are being entered into the item_cat_sales
There are several reports generated, they are all in the /reports folder and overwrite a previous report.
This includes the total sales by item in the category, grouped by date. -
This includes the total sales by item in the category, grouped by week. -
This includes the total sales by item in the category, grouped bi-weekly. -
This includes the total sales by item in the category, grouped by month. -
Advice Use the script
to generate a list of product_ids that are already mapped, then use NOT IN to filter out those items when looking up the sum_product_sales table.
Use python3
to generate a list of product_ids that are
mapped in the items.json5 file. It will print them out by store,
then you can run a query like
FROM sum_product_sales
WHERE product_id NOT IN ("HH-0001")
AND store = "store1"
Use python3
to generate a list of sales related reports.
with columns Date, Daily Sales (StoreName), 30d moving avg (StoreName) and it will include columns for each store.
Note because some stores may not be open all day or have different schedules, the 30d moving avg may represent the avg revenue over the last 30 days including the current date which is different than the average revenue per day the store is open. An easy example is a store open twice per month that sells $15,000 each day it's open, the 30d moving avg will be $1,000 but the moving avg excluding null entries would be $15,000.
This csv file should be easy to import into Google Sheets for the purpose of making graphs.
- If a transaction has a percentage discount then the discount amount will not be stored in the DB.
Using the reports from
, we were able to make a data-driven decision about
when to open the restaurant. We found that the restaurant was not profitable until 11AM, so
we moved the opening time from 10AM to 11AM. This was done by looking at lifetime sales between
10AM and 11AM and then calculating labor costs. We had a hunch that this might be the case,
but presenting this graph to the owner made it an instant decision.