ReadMe file
Jack Christensen Jun 2015
Arduino Library for Microchip MCP9808 Maximum Accuracy Digital Temperature Sensor
A lightweight implementation that exposes all functionality of the Microchip MCP9808 sensor. Temperatures are handled in the integer domain to avoid the code size and runtime overhead associated with floating-point. Should the user wish to work in floating-point format, conversion is easily done in the application code.
The ambient temperature is read as °C*16. If a lower resolution is configured, the applicable low-order bits are returned as zeroes.
The Upper, Lower and Critical temperature limit registers are read and written as °C*4.
Bit masks for the config register are provided in the MCP9808.h file.
"Arduino Library for Microchip MCP9808 Temperature Sensor" by Jack Christensen is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
The following example sketch is included with the MCP9808 library:
- MCP9808_EX1: Demonstrates reading data from the sensor and changing the temperature limit registers. Converts the ambient temperature reading to floating point in °C and °F.
Symbolic names for I2C bus speeds.
- MCP9808::twiClock100kHz -- 100kHz bus speed.
- MCP9808::twiClock400kHz -- 400kHz bus speed.
Instantiates an MCP9808 sensor object.
MCP9800 mySensor(0);
// or
MCP9800 mySensor;
LS_ADDR_BITS: An unsigned 8-bit integer (uint8_t or byte) representing the least-significant three bits of the I2C device address (i.e. a value between 0 and 7). Defaults to zero if omitted.
Initializes the library. Calling begin()
calls read()
to initially populate the sensor data into local storage. Call this method once in the setup code.
mySensor.begin(twiClockFreq_t freq);
twiFreq: An optional parameter specifying the speed for the I2C bus. If omitted, it defaults to 100kHz (MCP9808::twiClockFreq_t)
I2C status (zero if successful) (uint8_t).
MCP9808 mySensor;
Reads data from the sensor into local storage. See Properties below for a description of the data.;
I2C status (zero if successful) (uint8_t).
MCP9808 mySensor;
uint8_t e =;
if ( e != 0 )
//there was an error on the bus
//all is well
Writes data from local storage to the sensor. Note that only the three critical temperature registers, the configuration register and the resolution register are written; other registers are read-only.
I2C status (zero if successful) (uint8_t).
MCP9808 mySensor;
mySensor.tUpper = 100; //set upper limit to 25C (77F)
tUpper: Upper temperature limit, in units of °C*4. (int16_t)
tLower: Lower temperature limit, in units of °C*4. (int16_t)
tCritical: Critical temperature limit, in units of °C*4. (int16_t)
tAmbient: Ambient temperature, in units of °C*16. Read-only. (int16_t)
config: Configuration register, see datasheet for details. (uint16_t)
resolution: Temperature resolution for the ambient temperature. An integer between 0 and 3, where 0 is ±0.5°C, 1 is ±0.25°C, 2 is ±0.125°C, and 3 is ±0.0625°C. Higher resolutions require longer conversion times, see the datasheet. ±0.0625°C is the power-on default. (uint8_t)
alertCritical: If tAmbient ≥ tCritical, then true, else false. Read-only. (bool)
alertUpper: If tAmbient > tUpper, then true, else false. Read-only. (bool)
alertLower: If tAmbient < tLower, then true, else false. Read-only. (bool)
mfrID: Manufacturer ID. Read-only. (uint16_t)
deviceID: Device ID. Read-only. (uint8_t)
deviceRev: Device revision. Read-only. (uint8_t)