Some of the data I am using when working on research projects and the dissertation is updated frequently. Rather than having to download files to keep up, I wanted to have access to the current data through a python library. I will be expanding this package to include more data as time permits. For a full more thorough discussion and some usage of the package check out this blog post "Security Studies Web Data".
Clone into a directory
Navigate to sswebdata/
python install
Version = 18.1
ucdp =
"nonstate" = Nonstate conflict dataset
"dyadic" = Dyadic conflict dataset
"ucdp" = Full UCDP data set
"onesided" = Onesided conflict data sets
"battledeaths" = Battledeaths data set
"gedevents" = The geo-located events data set
frame =
"monthly" - de-duplicated based on coups
"yearly" - de-duplicated based on coups
"full" - non de-duplicated
notes :
I added a democracy and autocracy variable (foreign occupied and warlordism are in the autocratic category)
from sswebdata import Ucdp
nonstate_dataset = Ucdp.get_ucdp("nonstate")
See for specific citations based on the dataset you utilize.
Bell, Curtis. 2016. The Rulers, Elections, and Irregular Governance Dataset (REIGN). Broomfield, CO: OEF Research. Available at