- Customers are often left in the dark when it comes to the status of their vehicle repair after submitting a claim.
- There's a lot of "he said, she said" between mechanics and insurers meanwhile you're just wondering when you will get your car back.
V-STAT creates transparency and efficiency by bringing all parties together on a single platform to communicate and post updates about the repair process.
- We've built a system that allows insurers to post tickets with a vehicles case number and pertinent details.
- Mechanics can view these tickets when assigned, and fill create a simple task list that entails what repairs need to be done on this vehicle. As the mechanic completes the repairs they can move these tasks to a completed status, which keeps insurers and customers up to date with the STATus of this Vehicle.
- There's also a comment thread where any party can drop questions/concerns on this ticket view page. This allows all three parties to communicate in the same space so that no one is left behind.
- There is total transparency during the repair process - mission accomplished!
- Decreases time-in-shop by holding mechanics accountable for the vehicle task list
- Increases customer satisfaction by including them in the conversation and giving updates every step of the way.
MySql, Express, React, Node, Sequelize, Passport, React-Bootstrap
- Email/text push notifications to update all parties when the status of their ticket(s) have changed.
- Picture upload feature to visually show customers the progress made on their vehicle