Combines a HTML file with all direct includes (js/css) to a minified single HTML file. That supports building real single page and file web sites, e.g. for very small web sites or embedded web servers. HtmlSingler is written in C# (dotnet 6) and can be used with Windows, Linux and Mac. Releases are available for win-x64, linux-x64, linux-arm64 and universal (dotnet).
HtmlSingler takes a single html file as input. First the html file is minifier.
Then all linked files (<script src=[NAME]></script>
or <link href=[NAME] xxxxxx>
) will be read from disk or gathered from the web.
All files are minified and included in the html file.
The new single html file is written to a new file out STDOUT.
$> HtmlSingler ./index.html ./index.single.html
$> HtmlSingler ./index.html
or if using universal version
$> dotnet HtmlSingler.dll ./index.html ./index.single.html
(c) 2022 by Joerg Plenert, D-Voerde. Under GPLv3 license.