Welcome to the Meows like Trains
IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not take input from the text files. Your program should ONLY interact with standard IO.
OTHER NOTE: The text files are massive (to humans) and you probably should not be using them for development. You should be writing your own smaller test cases for your own testing.
Now that that is out of the way. Let's get you set up shall we?
You first need to copy the repo to your local machine. Here is one method to do it.
Go to the repo at https://github.com/Jackmin801/DS-Assignment-2022 and press code
Click Download ZIP
Navigate to where the zip was downloaded.
Unzip the folder.
unzip DS-Assignment-2022-main.zip
Navigate into the unzipped directory and initialize git repository
cd DS-Assignment-2022-main
ls -alh
git init
Add your first commit
git add .
git commit -m "Genisis Init"
On the github main page, click new
Set the repository name to your team name and the access to private. Then press create repository
Copy the commands in the center block to clipboard and paste them into your terminal.
Reload the page with your private repo. You should now see the repository on the web interface. Click the X to see the status of the checks.
You can use this page to see the runtime of your algorithm.
Use the collaborators panel in the setting page to add your teammates
The tests automatically run whenever a git push is made. You can also manually run the tests if you wish.
If you are having any trouble with the assignment, found a bug or just need clarifications, feel free to raise an issue using the issues tab.
Do note that your issue will be publicly visible. (Don't put your solution and don't say anything you wouldn't be ok with your classmates or lecturer's seeing)
If you are able to get all 4 ticks. You should be complete with the basic requirements