- S3
- Lambda
- API Gateway
- DynamoDB
- Step Functions
- Rekognition
- Cognito
The project is a simple image recognition application. The user uploads an image to an S3 bucket, which triggers a Lambda function. The Lambda function then calls the Rekognition service to detect labels in the image. The labels are then stored in a DynamoDB table. The user can quickly and easily find images based on labels that are being stored as indices in DynamoDB.
Please note that I explicitly set my region to eu-central-1
to make sure Rekognition is an available service. If you want to use another region, you need to check if Rekognition is available in that region.
- Auth Flow
- The user can upload an image to an S3 bucket.
- The image is processed by Rekognition to detect labels. These labels are stored in a DynamoDB table.
Backend testing with Postman:
workspace url: https://www.postman.com/navigation-explorer-20792451/workspace/primedrive/collection/28154890-0163d560-b86c-442c-b12d-f2e5fa73d9fe?action=share&creator=28154890
Add the query endpoint to the API Gateway, so the user can query the DynamoDB table for images based on labels.
Add a thumbnail generation step to the Step Functions state machine.Add a frontend to the application to make it more user-friendly.Refacror the code so it's more organized and easier to read.- Modify Policies to be more restrictive.