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Calibration with a flat calibration object

Important commands

  • Start iiwa

    • Either with the standard tool

      roslaunch tum_iiwa_zimmer_r840_moveit moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=false iiwa_sensor:=hokuyo_utm30lx
    • Or in case of initial calibration with the calibration pin model

      roslaunch tum_iiwa_calibration_pin_moveit moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=false
  • Start Hokuyo Sensor

      roslaunch tum_workcell_launch hokuyo_utm_30lx_ew.launch
      roslaunch tum_workcell_launch sick_tim571_2050101.launch
  • User confirmation (confirmation during teaching of calibration object coordinate system)

      rostopic pub -1 /user_confirmation calibration_flat/UserConfirmation "userConfirmation: true"
  • Start Calibration Node

       roslaunch calibration_flat arm_to_laser_scanner_calibration_hokuyo.launch
       roslaunch calibration_flat arm_to_laser_scanner_calibration_sick.launch
  • Hand Guiding Client

      rosrun actionlib activate_hand_guiding hand_guiding/HandGuidingAction
  • Action Client Calibration

       rosrun actionlib arm_to_laser_scanner_calibration calibration_flat/ArmToLaserScannerCalibrationAction


  1. Initial Calibration

    • Robot moving to home position
    • Activate hand guiding mode
    • Move the robot arm to the calibration points p1, p2, p3 on the calibration object and confirm each point (Topic /user_confirmation)
    • Deactivate hand guiding mode
    • Calculate homogeneous transformation base frame to calibration object frame
    • Save transformation matrix in target_directory
  2. Collect Scan Data

    • Move to scan position 1
    • Collect laser scan data (~200 meas.)
    • Move to scan position 2
    • Collect laser scan data
    • Process laser scan data (averaging over collected scans)
  3. Extracting the significant points

    • Limitation of observed angle area (scan)
    • Transformation of measured ranges into xy-coordinates of laser scanner frame
    • Depth limitation
    • Defining line model parameters
    • RANSAC and Least Square (LS) optimization
    • Collecting of edge points p1 to p6 used for homogeneous transform calibration object frame into laser scanner frame
  4. Determine the Calibration Matrix

    • Determine homogeneous transformation matrix base frame to tool frame
    • Calculate homogeneous transformation matrix laser scanner frame to calibration object frame (formulas of paper)
    • Calculate homogeneous transformation matrix tool frame to laser scanner (final result)
    • Save transformation matrix tool frame to laser scanner frame in target_directory


  • autostart
    • typ: boolean
    • description: If selected, the calibration process starts after 3 seconds after the calibration node is started.
  • initial_calibration
    • typ: boolean
    • description: If selected, the initial calibration is performed. If not selected, the saved transformation matrix base to calibration object is used.
  • width_calib_obj
    • typ: float
    • description: Width (in meter) of the calibration object
  • angle_calib_obj
    • typ: float
    • description: Angle (in degree) of the cutout on the calibration object.
  • delta_a_calib_obj
    • typ: float
    • description: Distance (in meter) between the point p1 on the calibration object and the cutout corner.
  • offset_alpha_z
    • typ: double
    • description: Rotation (in degree) of end effector to scan tilted around the z-axis onto the calibration object
  • offset_pre_scan
    • typ: double
    • description: Position (in meter) of end effector over scan positions in the z-axis
  • near_distance
    • typ: float
    • description: Distance (in meter) during the first laser scan between the calibration object and robot arm end effector in Y axis of the calibration object.
  • far_distance
    • typ: float
    • description: Distance (in meter) during the second laser scan between the calibration object and robot arm end effector in Y axis of the calibration object.
  • calib_obj_offset_z
    • typ: float
    • description: Distance (in meter) during the first and second laser scan between the laser scanner center and the calibration object frame (Estimation)
  • trans_ee_l
    • typ: double
    • description: Distance (in meter) between laser scanner z-axis and laser scanner center (Estimation)
  • Pin length
    • typ: double
    • description: Distance (in meter) from end effector plane to pin peak
  • number_of_scans
    • typ: int
    • description: Number of laser scans evaluated per shot.
  • number_of_iterations_ransac_ls
    • typ: int
    • description: Number of tries for Ranscac and least squares to find optimal model paramters
  • ransac_threshold
    • typ: double
    • description: Distance (in meter) of a point to the line model estimation performed by ransac
  • tolerance inlier
    • typ: double
    • description: Distance (in meter) of final edge points of calibration object towards fitted model by ransac/leas squares
  • home_pos_x
    • typ: float
    • description: X coordinate of the robot home position.
  • home_pos_y
    • typ: float
    • description: X coordinate of the robot home position.
  • home_pos_z
    • typ: float
    • description: Z coordinate of the robot home position.
  • target_directory
    • typ: string
    • description: Destination folder in which the homogeneous transformation matrices are stored.


3D Laser Scanning and Calibration with a Robot Arm






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