Converts Alpino syntactic structures into CHILDES GRA tier representations
Alpino2GRA The python modules, and are intended for generating CHAT %GRA tiers from Alpino syntactic structures.
The python module contains a function getgra():
def getgra(afile, logfile, skipboring=True, utterance=False):
-afile is the Alpino xml filenaam for an utterance -logfile is the file to log to.
The keyword parameters skipboring and utterance are not relevant and must be kept at their default values.
The output is a tuple (sentence,GRAtier), in which:
-sentence is a string with numbered tokens, e.g.
1:wie 2:zit 3:er 4:op 5:de 6:fiets 7:?
This is only useful for testing purposes and can be ignored otherwise.
-GRAtier is a string containing the CHAT GRA tier, e.g.
%GRA: 1|2|su 2|0|ROOT 3|2|mod 4|2|ld 5|6|det 6|4|obj1 7|0|PUNCT
The module testgra can be used to test getgra. It takes files from an input folder (default: testgrain), writes the results to an output folder (default: testgraout) and writes a logfile (default: testgralog.txt) to a log folder (default: testgralog).
The folder testgrain contains a whole range of testfiles (9.926) in multiple folders.
The result of testgra consist of 1 file (defaultnaam: testgraout.txt) with 3 lines per input file: filenaam, sentence, GRAtier, e,g.:
testgrain\Erlinde\IAA_Erlinde\VanKampen_sarah09_u00000000271.xml 1:wie 2:zit 3:er 4:op 5:de 6:fiets 7:? %GRA: 1|2|su 2|0|ROOT 3|2|mod 4|2|ld 5|6|det 6|4|obj1 7|0|PUNCT
The folder testgraref contains a reference outputfile and a reference logfile. Note: the testset contains ill-formed syntactic structures, so the logfile contains messages.
Calling testgra using default settings is done as follows:
The parameter -h gives an overview of the parameters:
Usage: [options]
Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -f FILENAME, --file=FILENAME test on this file only -i INPATH, --inpath=INPATH path to input files -o OUTPATH, --outpath=OUTPATH path to output files -l LOGPATH, --logpath=LOGPATH path to log files --logfile=LOGFILENAME log filename --outfile=OUTFILENAME output filename
The module imports the module, which contains only constants ad functions.
Jan Odijk 2018-08-16