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Repository files navigation

Zarrcade is a web application for easily browsing collections of NGFF (e.g. OME-Zarr) images. Implements the following useful features:

  • Automatic discovery of images on any storage backend supported by fsspec including file system, AWS S3, Azure Blob, Google Cloud Storage, Dropbox, etc.
  • Web gallery with convenient viewing links to compliant viewers
  • Neuroglancer state generation for multichannel images
  • File proxy for non-public storage backends
  • Support for optional image thumbnails

The nf-omezarr tool can be used to easily convert images to OME-Zarr format.

Local Usage

To run the service locally using Docker, just point it at your OME-Zarr data:

docker run -it -v /path/to/data:/data -p 8000:8000

This will index your data and make it browseable at

Production Deployment

If your server is running remotely it will need to use HTTPS in order to be able to accessible to the viewers. You'll need to provide a TLS certificate and a base URL for generating links to your server. This is possible with Uvicorn, but using an Nginx reverse proxy server is usually preferred. Furthermore, by default Zarrcade uses an in-memory Sqlite database. If you want to use something else, set the DB_URL variable to point to a SQL database.

You can do this using Docker Compose. Make sure you have this installed on your system before proceeding.

First, create a .env file in the ./docker folder. You can copy the template like this:

cd docker
cp env.template .env

Customize the .env file and then start the services:

docker compose up -d

Importing metadata

You can import metadata into Zarrcade by pre-populating the SQLite database from a CSV file:

conda env create -f environment.yml -y
conda activate zarrcade
bin/ -i input.csv -r /root/data/dir --overwrite

The CSV file's first column must be a relative path pointing to OME-Zarr images within the root data directory. The remaining columns can be any metadata to be searched and displayed within the gallery:



Install the necessary packages using conda and pip:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate zarrcade
pip install neuroglancer  --no-dependencies

Start the development server, pointing it to your OME-Zarr data:

DATA_URL=/path/to/data uvicorn zarrcade.serve:app --host --reload

If you are running the service remote, you'll need to use HTTPS. Just point Uvicorn to your certificate and set your BASE_URL:

BASE_URL= DATA_URL=/path/to/data uvicorn zarrcade.serve:app --host \
    --ssl-keyfile certs/cert.key --ssl-certfile certs/cert.crt --reload 


python -m pytest --cov=zarrcade --cov-report html -W ignore::DeprecationWarning

Docker build

To rebuild the Docker container:

docker build --no-cache docker -t
docker push
