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A Python wrapper for the MapMyFitness API


This is a work in progress. Current endpoints implemented are:


See Contributing


Install via pip:

pip install mapmyfitness

or from local sources:

python install


  • Python 2.7, 3.2 or 3.3
  • Requests takes care of our HTTP chatting, and is automatically installed when using the steps above.


Instantiate an instance of MapMyFitness with your API key and an access token representing a user:

from mapmyfitness import MapMyFitness
mmf = MapMyFitness(api_key='not-so-secret', access_token='super-secret')

Optionally pass True for cache_finds. This will cache instances of objects fetched through the find method. This is helpful for objects that aren't likely to change, like Activity Types.

from mapmyfitness import MapMyFitness
mmf = MapMyFitness(api_key='not-so-secret', access_token='super-secret', cache_finds=True)


Implements behaviors: find, search, create, delete, update

Search Parameters

  • user - integer - A user id to find routes for
  • users - list or tuple - a collection of user ids to find routes for
  • close_to_location - list or tuple - A 2-list or 2-tuple containing a latitude and longitude to search for routes near
  • minimum_distance - int or float - The minimum distance, in meters, of routes to search for - only for use with close_to_location
  • maximum_distance - int or float - The maximum distance, in meters, of routes to search for - only for use with close_to_location

* One of user, users or close_to_location parameters must be passed.

Route Object Properties

  • id - int - The unique id of the route
  • name - str - The name of the route
  • description - str - A description of the route
  • privacy - str - The privacy setting of the route - one of 'Private', 'Friends' or 'Public'
  • distance - float - The distance of the route in meters
  • ascent - float - The total ascent of the route in meters
  • descent - float - The total descent of the route in meters
  • min_elevation - float - The minimum elevation of the route in meters
  • max_elevation - float - The maximum elevation of the route in meters
  • city - str - The city of the start point of the route
  • state - str - The state of the start point of the route
  • country - str - The country of the start point of the route
  • created_datetime - datetime - The date and time the route was created
  • updated_datetime - datetime - The date and time the route was updated

Route Object Methods

  • points() - Returns a list of points (dicts) containing lat, lng and ele keys representing latitude, longitude and elevation.
  • points(geojson=True) - Returns a GeoJSON LineString representation of a route.


Search for routes created by a user:

routes_paginator =

Search for 10k routes near a specific location:

routes_paginator =[35.555, -80.934], minimum_distance=9000, maximum_distance=11000)


Implements behaviors: find, search, create, delete, update

Search Parameters

  • user - integer - A user id to find routes for
  • activity_type - integer - The id of the activity type to find workouts for
  • updated_before - datetime - A datetime to find workouts that were updated before
  • updated_after - datetime - A datetime to find workouts that were updated after
  • created_before - datetime - A datetime to find workouts that were created before
  • created_after - datetime - A datetime to find workouts that were created after
  • started_before - datetime - A datetime to find workouts that were started before
  • started_after - datetime - A datetime to find workouts that were started after

Workout Object Properties

  • id - int - The unique id of the workout
  • name - str - The name of the route
  • privacy - str - The privacy setting of the route - one of 'Private', 'Friends' or 'Pulic'
  • distance - float - The distance of the route in meters
  • start_locale_timezone - str - The timezone where the workout started
  • source - str - The source where the workout was created
  • has_time_series - bool - Whether the workout has time series data
  • start_datetime - datetime - The datetime of the start of the workout
  • created_datetime - datetime - The datetime the workout was created
  • updated_datetime - datetime - The datetime the workout was updated
  • time_series - list - Time series information for this workout
  • active_time_total - int - The total active time (moving time) for the workout in seconds
  • distance_total - int - The total distance of the workout in meters
  • steps_total - int - The total number of steps for the workout
  • elapsed_time_total - int - The total elapsed time (stopped and moving) for the workout
  • metabolic_energy_total - int - The total number of calories burned for the workout
  • speed_max - float - The max speed for the workout in meters/second
  • speed_avg - float - The average speed for the workout in meters/second
  • route_id - int - The id of the route of the workout if it is associated with a route
  • route - Route - A route object for the route assocated with this workout, if one exists
  • activity_type_id - int - The id of the activity type for this workout
  • activity_type - Activity Type - An activity type object for the activity type of the workout


Find all workouts for a user in the year 2013

start_datetime = datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 1)
end_datetime = datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 1)

workouts_paginator =, per_page=40, started_after=start_datetime, started_before=end_datetime)

for page_num in workouts_paginator.page_range:
    the_page =
    for workout in the_page:


Implements behaviors: find, search

Search Parameters

  • friends_with - integer - A user id to find users that are friends with

User Object Properties

  • id - int - The unique id of the user
  • first_name - str - The first name of the user
  • last_name - str - The last name of the user
  • username - str - The username of the user
  • time_zone - str - The time zone of the user
  • gender - str - The gender of the user
  • location - str - The location of the user
  • last_login_datetime - datetime - The datetime of the last time the user logged in
  • join_datetime - datetime - The datetime of the user joining MapMyFitness
  • birthdate - date - The birthdate of the user
  • email - str - The email address of the user
  • display_measurement_system - str - The preferred measurement system of the user - Either 'metric' or 'imperial'
  • weight - float - The weight of the user in kilograms
  • height - float - The height of the user in meters

User Object Methods

  • get_profile_photo(size='medium') - str - Returns a url to the profile photo of the user - Size is one of 'small', 'medium' or 'large'
  • get_friends() - Paginator - A pagination object containing friends (users) of the user

Activity Types

Implements behaviors: find

Activity Type Object Properties

  • id - int - The unique id of the activity type
  • name - str - The name of the activity type
  • has_parent - bool - Whether the activity type has a parent activity type
  • root_activity_type_id - int - The unique id of the root activity type of this activity type
  • root_activity_type - Activity Type - The root activity type of this activity type



Find a single object by its unique id. Returns a object or raises mapmyfitness.exceptions.NotFoundException if no object is found.


route = mmf.route.find(348949363)
print(  # '4 Mile Lunch Run'


Search for objects. Returns a Paginator object to easily page through large result sets.

See this gist for implementation details.

Paginator Properties

  • count - returns the total number of objects on all pages.
  • num_pages - returns the number of pagees in the paginator.
  • page_range - returns a range of page numbers to allow for iteration of pages.

Paginator Methods

  • page(<page_number>) - returns a Page object containing objects on a specific page.

Example Usage

start_datetime = datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 1)
end_datetime = datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1)

workouts_paginator =, per_page=40, started_after=start_datetime, started_before=end_datetime)

page_count = workouts_paginator.num_pages  # 2
page_range = workouts_paginator.page_range # [1, 2]
total_count = workouts_paginator.count # 58

for page_num in page_range:
    the_page =
    print(the_page)  # <Page 1 of 2>
    for workout in the_page:
        print(workout.start_datetime)  # 2014-01-02 02:59:53+00:00


Create an object.


Delete an object.



Returns None on success or raises mapmyfitness.exceptions.NotFoundException if the object doesn't exist.


Update an object.


A Python wrapper for the MapMyFitness API







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